
Wolf Blitzer Continues to Embarrass Himself

Did you see Wolf Blitzer’s latest lame stunt?

O, the fallen of once great men! The reactions to Wolf’s tweet were not positive. Favorite:

TRENDINGBiden defends mass firings and hundreds of people losing their jobs over his unconstitutional vax mandates (VIDEO).

Wolf was my first encounter on 19/11/91. As the State Department Counter Terrorism Task Force’s coordinator, I oversaw the release of Reverend Terry Waite who was the special representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Waite was abducted by Hezbollah on January 1987, and held for nearly four years. Terry is another example of this aphorism: No good deed goes unspun. Before being taken by the Shiite clan he secured the release of Western missionaries in Iran who were captured after the Islamic revolution. Also, he secured the freedom of British hostages being held in Libya. He also brokered the liberation from Lebanon in 1986 of American hostages Lawrence Jenco (and David Jacobsen) These were part of what is now known as the Iran Contra scandal. Waite had been working alongside Colonel Oliver North on negotiations with Shiite terrorists that were responsible for taking those Americans hostage.

My 1991 job was in the Office of Counter Terrorism Coordinator, U.S. State Department. We had little success in finding the hostages from the U.S., although it was a top priority.

Waite became free after the Task Force room received word. Wolf Blitzer was on the other end of the phone when I answered. At the time, Wolf was CNN’s White House correspondent. Wolf asked me, “Is it true that the CIA planted transmitters in Terry Waite’s skin?”

“Wolf”, I said, “We’ve been trying to locate Waite for four years. We’ve met with the CIA every week for the last four years pouring over intelligence and running down tips trying to find Waite. We had no idea where he was until today.”

Wolf responded, “Okay.” Within thirty minutes, Wolf was on air standing in front of the White House and reported, “According to the State Department, the U.S. Government had been unable to locate the Reverend Waite until today.”

Wolf was an actual newsman at the time. But this also gave me a glimpse of how the “news” business worked behind the scenes. My comment to Wolf was not shared with any State Department personnel. But, with Wolf’s words, I was now anointed as the voice of the Department of State.

Wolf’s juvenile tweets are a sad reminder of how demeaning he is. It is unlikely that he ever will be able find the strength to rediscover his journalistic roots. He’s just one more piece of the Deep State media machinery. True journalists would report on the hypocrisy in the media’s coverage of Antifa and BLM terrorist acts while repeating DOJ lies about American citizens entering the Capitol on January 6. These Americans are terrorists bent on overthrowing America. It is a damnable lie and Wolf’s silence on this makes him complicit in the injustice.