
The Academic Freedom Podcast #13 on Texas and Tenure

The Academic Freedom Alliance now has a brand new episode available of The Academic Freedom Podcast. You can subscribe via your favourite platform to ensure you never miss an episode.

Matthew Finkin talks to me about Texas Lieutenant Governor. Governor Dan Patrick has called for the end of tenure at state universities. Patrick announced last week that it would be a priority for him to make banning the teaching of critical race theory at Texas universities a top priority. He also pledged to fire any professor who does this. In response to Patrick’s announcement, Academic Freedom Alliance made a public statement.

Finkin is an expert in academic freedom and employment law. The Swanlund Endowed chair at the College of Law is his current position. Finkin began his career at the American Association of University Professors as a staff attorney. The Case for Tenure was his first book. For the Common Good is co-authored by him. We discuss the reasons for tenure in American universities and the relation between academic freedom and tenure protections.

You can listen to it all here.