
Damage Control: How To Handle Being Arrested Seamlessly

The thought process of people that are being arrested can be very scrambled at times. As soon as you engage with police, they are trying to build a case against you. If you are pulled over, you do not have to answer questions but do this without being rude. You might encounter a hostile officer but understanding your rights will protect you to the highest degree. Police are allowed to lie to those that are arrested like bluffing about a witness or lying about punishment for a certain offense. The following are tips to handle your arrested in a seamless manner. 

Find A Criminal Defense Attorney Immediately 

After you are bailed out for your crime, you need to start thinking about your legal situation. Taking the time to research the options for a criminal defense attorney to make the best choice. The charge that you have will really matter when picking an attorney. You want legal representation that has experience dealing with the charge you have picked up. 

A plea deal is one of the better options if the terms are acceptable. An experienced attorney in the area will likely have built rapport with prosecutors and judges. You should also ask your attorney about trial experience if you are not offered a reasonable plea deal. Taking a case to trial is a risk as the penalties are usually more severe than accepting a plea deal that is offered. 

Your attorney will be able to walk you through what will happen and keep you up to date with the case. The prosecutor might be in contact with your lawyer in order to try to clear the case up. Your freedom could be on the line so finding a top attorney in your area is very important. 

Get Substance Abuse Treatment If You Need It 

Substance abuse can lead people to do things that they otherwise would have never done. Getting substance abuse treatment can be a humbling experience as all addicts believe their addiction is special. Admitting that you have a problem can be tough but with self-reflection, you will be able to see clearly. There are so many options to get help with substance abuse counseling. There are also 12-step programs that are free to attend like AA or NA. 

Don’t Post About The Arrest On Social Media 

The arrest couuld be something you discuss with friends or family. You should not make it public information as this could impact you professionally. A prosecutor could point to social media posts to help prove to the judge during sentencing that you thought the arrest was a joke. Staying off of social media can be wise as you don’t want pictures of you out at a bar weeks after a DUI/DWI arrest. 

Being arrested is going to be a stressful situation and the stress can continue for months. Being put on probation can also be stressful as one mistake could land you in jail. Finish all of your sentence before relaxing as you want to be out of the criminal justice system.