I am proud to announce the Fourth Edition of the Barnett & Blackman Constitutional Law Casebooks. Yes, Casebooks plural. There are two versions: one full version and two separate ones.
- The Casebook: There are more than 200 cases within the Constitutional Canon, which includes foundational and contemporary decisions regarding structure and rights.
- The Structure “Split”.Perfectly-sized paperback edition for an introductory course in constitutional structure.
- “Split” the RightsThe perfect size paperback edition is ideal for one-semester courses on constitutional rights.
All books include access to our entire video library for twelve hours. There are few products on the market that offer so many resources to students and professors.
Below are the Teacher’s Manual, Powerpoint Slides and samples of chapters. Please email me if you’d like to review the book. (jblackman at stcl dot edu).
Find out more about our books at ConLaw.us. You also get a glimpse of the new book. The Constitution and Slavery.