
Does the Government Need To Fix Social Media? A Soho Forum Debate

Do platforms like Facebook and Twitter harm Americans in ways government regulation can correct?

Jonathan Haidt and Robby Save debated in Oxford style about government role regarding social media. The event was held at the Sheen Center, Manhattan. The Soho Forum hosted the event, which is a monthly debate series that’s sponsored by There are reasons. Soho Forum Director Gene EpsteinAs moderator.

Haidt is a professor at New York University of Ethics LeadershipHeterodox Academy co-founder, supported the resolution of the debate.“The federal government must intensify efforts to decrease the negative effects of social media.

Soave was the senior editor. There are reasonsAuthor of the newly published Tech Panic: Why Facebook and the Future Are Not to Be Feared He Arguments were made that widespread criticisms of social media stem from our innate—and misguided—distrust of new technology. Soave contended, however, that while social media is not without its faults, it has enormous net benefits. He also pointed out that “government force,” despite being a harmful tool, will likely do more harm than good.

Haidt, the author of a new article in AtlanticOn social media’s impact on mental health, Haidt pointed out that the platform was not originally intended for children under 18. These individuals could have been it’s victims. Haidt likened the platforms to sugar—best taken in moderation.

Narrated by Nick Gillespie. John Osterhoudt edited. Lex Villena added graphics. Brett Raney photographs the event.