
Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression Offering $150K Worth of Research Grants on Free Inquiry

For more details about how to apply and the terms of FIRE’s call for proposals, visit this page.

Summary: Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression is a nonpartisan, 501(c),(3) organisation that seeks to support research on freedom of expression and academic liberty.

Grant information: In 2022 there will be a total of $150,000 available, with $50,000 maximum per grant and no minimum.

Application Eligibility 

Applicants must currently be one of the following: 1) faculty — tenured, tenure-track, adjunct or otherwise — at an accredited institution of higher education; 2) a graduate student at an accredited institution of higher education; 3) a postdoctoral researcher at an accredited institution of higher education; 4) a researcher or fellow at an independent scholarly institution such as a laboratory or thinktank. All grant recipients must sign a Grant Agreement as a condition to receiving grant funds….

These are the fields that qualify: Presently, we are able to review grant applications that relate to freedom of speech and academic freedom. This includes those in economics, education and history as well as law and philosophy. We are open to proposals in other fields ….

Use grant money in an eligible manner: Research expenses; paid access to polling and datasets; interviews and data collection; software; travel for the purpose of interviewing subjects; travel for the purpose of presenting research funded by this grant at conferences or events; travel for the purpose of accessing archival materials; wages for research assistants paid hourly to work on grant project; journal submission fees and/or publication fees….

Deadlines and timelines for grants Applications must be submitted for consideration before 11:59 p.m. PST on October 1, 2022….

Application evaluation: Scholarships from the area of study will assess grant applications to determine if they are relevant and adhere to methods and standard of their field. Grant applications approved by the scholars will be selected for funding by FIRE….