Members of the militia who plotted to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic governor. In just weeks Gretchen Whitmer will be brought to trial for her COVID-19 lockdown policy. Six people were arrested in connection to the plot. One of the six has already pleaded guilty, and will likely testify against all the others. Eight others were charged by the state with helping a terrorist plot.
The government’s case against the 14 accused extremists is based on the work of at least 12 government agents and informants. Their extensive involvement in this plot raises questions about whether the government would have allowed it to move forward without their prodding. Some of these government actors took lead roles in organizing the supposed plot—one of the informants was even paid $54,000 by the FBI.
These and many other facts raise strong suspicions that militia members may have been entrapped by the FBI.
The mainstream media have been examining the case with much interest since the disclosures. “The FBI Investigation into the Alleged Plot to Kidnap Michigan Governor. Gretchen Whitmer’s Investigation Into The Alleged Plot To Kidnap Michigan Gov. BuzzFeed News In-depth analysis of all evidence available, published last month. This week was also a great time to review the evidence. The New York Times Recognized that agents and informants had “muddled up” the case
An armed group, divided into three vehicles, looked around at the terrain surrounding Gov.’s cottage on September 20, 2020. Gretchen Whitmer contemplates how to kidnap Whitmer as retribution for the Covid-19 lockdown.
Two men fell from the vehicle in which they were driving to examine a bridge over Route 31 near Elk Rapids. They analyzed what needed to do to demolish it to slow down any response by police to Birch Lake.
Later on, team members returned from military-style training exercises in a rural camp. A man named “Big Dan”, according to government documents, asked them if they were all “down with what was going on.” One man replied, “If your thoughts of kidnapping aren’t upsetting, then don’t sit down here.”
Four of the twelve men who were on that nighttime surveillance mission included “Big Dan”, which was either a government informant or an undercover F.B.I. agent. According to court records, these agents were identified as such.
Big Dan was not a passive observer: He initially alerted authorities to the fact that he had become involved in a Facebook page for militia members, in which there was talk of violence against officers. Then he accepted an offer to be an informant. For six months of his work, the government paid him $54,000. Big Dan was the leader of the group that inspected Whitmer’s vacation house. According to the group’s defense attorneys, Big Dan—an Iraq War veteran—took charge of training the other men in military tactics.
Jayson Chambers (Big Dan’s FBI handler) had another side hustle. Chambers tried to start a business as a security consultant in the middle of the investigation. It’s clear that his drive to make a name for himself may have led to him encouraging Big Dan to help with the plot. BuzzFeed Chambers shared a resume with potential clients. In that document, Chambers claimed credit for “online undercover tactics” in investigating terrorist organizations. According to BuzzFeed, Chambers participated in FBI investigations into Muslim youths. He was lured by law enforcement to get involved in theoretically violent plots.
Chambers will not be participating in the trial anymore.
Stephen Robeson was another government asset. He worked as an informant in the investigation but has since pleaded guilty to several felonies. FBI Agent Robert Trask (the government’s most prominent witness) was dismissed by the agency following a beating at his wife during an orgy at swingers. This matter is very difficult for the cops to differentiate from criminals.
It is possible that the court will decide that none of these matters. The defendants may have been compelled to act by law enforcement agents who were trying to trap them. However, the court could rule that they made the stupid decision to continue. The victims of entrapment are known to have a difficult time winning, regardless how duplicitous the FBI may be.
It is clear, however that Whitmer was not in real danger. At all stages of the alleged plot, the FBI was aware of every facet: Their agents and informants were intimately involved—not just surveilling the militia members, but actively offering guidance on how to pull off the kidnapping. Whitmer, who is seen as the victim of Trump’s reckless rhetorical support for domestic terrorists, has been a sympathetic figure on national television.
Whitmer wrote in an article, “Everytime the president ramps-up his violent rhetoric and every time he fires off Twitter to launch another broadside împotriv me, my family, and I see that surge of vicious attacks sent our direction,” Atlantic Article titled “The Plot To Kidnap me.” It is argued that Trump’s criticisms about governors in blue states encourage violence. Her own case serves as a close-example. Trump said many horrible and untrue things, but it was the FBI agent that authorized this ridiculous plot to kidnap Whitmer. Whitmer thanked FBI agents for stopping the plot in spite of Trump condemning them for encouraging right-wing terrorists.
Conservatives are now firmly convinced that the attack on the U.S. Capitol, January 6, 2017, was not the fault of Trump supporters but of elements from the Deep State. No evidence supports that. In fact, the Capitol riot shows how Trump’s statements can lead to real violence and mayhem. Whitmer’s kidnapping plot was, however, heavily directed. It is encouragedAgents of the government. It is a lot, much more, much. More More convincing case for Deep State evilness