
Nancy Pelosi Announces Re-Election Bid At 81-Years-Old ‘For the Children’

Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker at the Age of 81, announced Tuesday her candidacy for re-election. She is running for a 19th Congress term and will turn 80 in March.

She has served in Congress since 1985.

Her reasons for seeking another term include her desire and ability to defend against an “assault on the truth, assault on the U.S. Capitol and the state-by-state assault on voting rights.”

But what really motivates Pelosi, you see, is “the children.”

“When people ask me, ‘What are the three most important issues facing the Congress,’ the California Democrat explains, “I always say the same thing: Our children. Our children. Our children.”

“That is my ‘why.’ Why I’m in Congress – for the children,” she continued.

Interestingly, Pelosi also describes a “world at peace,” which seems quite at odds with the Democrats’ drive for war against Russia and Pelosi recently fast-tracking more money for weapons.

RELATED: Pelosi: Republicans Are ‘Coming After Your Children’

Pelosi to the children

Pelosi cites the children’s health (though she supports abortion) and their education (though when Trump was President she vociferously denounced reopening schools) in her re-election announcement.

It wasn’t all that long ago that Pelosi trashed a pro-life bill in Alabama that would have saved the lives of countless innocent children as “heartbreaking.”

In 2013, a Vatican leader argued that her pro-abortion views were so outlandish, she shouldn’t be permitted to receive communion.

Now suddenly, she’s a protector of children.

Pelosi’s re-election bid comes even as she announced in 2018 that this term would be her last as Speaker.

She may run for reelection with Republicans predicted to gain in 2022’s midterm elections.

RELATED: Pelosi Trashes Pro-Life Bill, Then Says Every Illegal Immigrant Has ‘Dignity and Worth’

The ‘Lioness’ Is Staying Put

With Pelosi’s recent remarks on her Democrat colleagues in the House, it’s no wonder she would like to stick around for another re-election campaign.

After all, she believes she works with “the greatest collection of intellect, integrity and imagination for doing the right thing for the American people.”

Pelosi, who once described herself as a “lioness,” may be looking forward to the 2024 presidential election and the looming prospect that former President Donald Trump will run again.

She considers herself the only one who can keep him under control.

“I have real problems with (Trump) because he doesn’t tell the truth, he doesn’t honor the Constitution and he’s harming children,” she said of Trump in his final year in office.

“My whole message is about children,” Pelosi claimed. “Anybody who hurts children — I’m a lioness. Watch out.”

Trump, who has referred to Pelosi as “an incompetent political hack,” was described by her at the time as “the most dangerous person in the history of our country.”

“This election is crucial,” the House Speaker said in her re-election announcement. “Nothing less is at stake than our democracy, but as we say, we don’t agonize we organize and that is why I am running for re-election to Congress and respectfully seek your support.”

Although she may seem all-in, many Democrats are leaving the country in the lead up to the midterms.

2022 will see 21 Democratic House Members retire.