By Dr. Derek Ellerman
New boogeyman has been added to the White House’s list of culprits for inflation record. Move over, ‘Putin’s Price Hike,’ now it’s Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s fault.
Of course, the inflation surge started long before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last month, but politics is all about blaming someone else.
Greg Abbott is Texas Governor. Greg Abbott recently issued an extra inspection of trucks that cross the border to check for illegal immigration. There will also be a massive surge in population once Title 42, which was created by Biden during the pandemic, is lifted.
Texas’s border crossings make it difficult for truck traffic to cross right now
– In El Paso, on avg supposed to take 38 mins to get trucks over. Instead, it took more than 2 hours.
Laredo, (pictured below), waiting just to hit 3 hrs
Why? Many are blaming the Gov. Abbott and the new inspection of trucks— Jeremy Wallace (@JeremySWallace) April 12, 2022
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Abbott’s Fault!
“Gov. Abbott’s unnecessary and redundant inspections of trucks transiting ports of entry between Texas and Mexico are causing significant disruptions to the food and automobile supply chains, delaying manufacturing, impacting jobs, and raising prices for families in Texas and across the country,” Psaki said in a statement.
Abbott’s order calls for Texas state troopers to check commercial trucks coming over the border.
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The move is proving unpopular – particularly among Mexican truckers.
The Hill reports that Mexican truckers are now blockading the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge – which connects the eponymous American and Mexican cities over the Rio Grande River.
Major disruptions are caused by the blockade.
There’s definitely an argument to be made that the inspections have backfired in terms of causing supply disruptions. Even some of Abbott’s fellow Texas Republicans have argued as much.
Abbott claims that the move was made to stop drug and human trafficking. It is clear that the federal government does not have the ability or desire to undertake this job. Who is then left?
Mexican truckers were sufficiently concerned about drug and human trafficking in Mexico to make a stand?
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller blasted Governor Greg Abbott’s “catastrophic” crackdown on cross-border trucking and warned it will lead to food shortages
— Bloomberg (@business) April 12, 2022
RELATED: Psaki Blames ‘Extraordinarily Elevated’ 8.5% Inflation on ‘Putin Price Hike’
Title 42 and the Coming Surge
The expected surge in attempted border crossings once the Biden administration lifts pandemic-era Title 42 restrictions – which allowed officials to turn away illegal immigrants as a public health concern – are no joke.
Biden’s own Department of Homeland Security is warning that “it is preparing for an influx of as many as 18,000 immigrants per day later this year.”
18,000. Per day.
If you do some rough math, that would be more than 500,000. These levels would have been reached in a year if we were to face them every day. Nearly 650,000.
This scenario is stupendous. “Disaster” doesn’t begin to describe it – though according to The Hill, that’s exactly how at least one Democrat strategist described it: “I think this is going to be a biblical disaster. This is the reality we are in as Democrats and no one wants to face it.”
The Feds continue to send billions of US dollars, thousands of miles away, to Ukraine, while the disaster at our borders looms.
It’s cliché to say “at least someone’s doing something about it” in regards to Abbott’s inspection move. It may be an error if it is true that commercial traffic has declined 60% since Abbott’s inspection order.
The border crisis must be dealt with. This is an issue of national security.
18,000 per day.
Wouldn’t it be something if American politicians and actually put the American people first?