This week, I speak with author Kat RosenfieldThe author of a new mystery novel You won’t be disappointedNamed for an Edgar Allan PoeThis award is the highest in this genre.
Her book was also published. fantastic recent essayPlease see the following: There are reasonsThe immense cultural longevity of The Matrix1999’s movie, “Red-pilled”, introduced the notion of being red-pilled or making people aware of how dark the world and its power truly work.. “It is difficult to overstate long-term impact of The MatrixShe writes that popular culture has a profound impact on political and cultural life. It is a huge influence on all things, fashion included. But it has also shaped how we perceive technology.
It is all about You won’t be disappointed, The Matrix And the raging controversyShe found herself in this position after she went on CNN and criticised Joe Rogan, a podcaster who spread misinformation about Covid-19. Rosenfield, in spite of her critiques about CNN and other media outlets’ demonizations Spotify and podcasting was attacked as though she were supporting old media by profane Rogan fanatics.
The people who still are outraged at my CNN bits are sending their best
— Kat Rosenfield (@katrosenfield) February 2, 2022
The result is a dark—even dank—look at how rapidly discourse degenerates on social media. A fun and lively discussion about whether or not public discourse will improve in the near future.
Today’s sponsors include The Long Time AcademyA podcast on being a better ancestor. More HelpA licensed online therapy company (click here to receive 10% off your initial month). Reason Interview listener).