Perfecting the Project Pitch
I have yet to find a single person who doesn’t like talking to other people. But for people to speak, we first must pitch them — tell them our purpose and the goal of our project. The project pitch is an essential communication tool that facilitates exchange and collaboration between individuals or organizations and others. Entrepreneurs may be great innovators, but developing a great idea takes a special kind of brain. Pain management specialist Jordan Sudberg, who holds a patent for his invention of the Sudberg Pain Relief Belt, says that a great idea is not enough in and of itself. “It’s essential to have a clear and concise pitch. We will discuss how to take a pitch from good to great.
1. Tell a Real Customer Story
To properly pitch your product, explain to the target audience why it solves an issue specific to them. Explain the benefits of your product or service in terms that are relevant to your audience. This is how you convey the actual value and importance of your product. Talk to clients, test out new sales pitches, and listen to people’s stories — it is all about identifying where there is pain and where there’s opportunity. All of this will come together in the perfect pitch.
2. Outline Your Business Model
A business model is your plan for making money with your product or service. Establish the needs of potential customers, establish your value proposition and market requirements, and decide where the money will come from. Make sure you know what value your product or service provides to customers. A business model is your plan for making money with your product.
3. Come Up With a Great Idea
A great pitch is all about you. You, as the entrepreneur, are the one who has to work the hardest to get people interested in your idea. Start with a great idea, but that’s more challenging than it sounds. At the most basic level, you need an idea that already exists somewhere else, but you can also get ideas from observation, friends and family, experiences, and dreams. You’ll also need to spend a great deal of time refining and perfecting your vision.
4. Use a ‘Common’ Language
Your language should be easy for the listener to understand and easy for the listener to get involved in. The audience will likely be a particular group of people and should be defined in clear terms to make the target audience as straightforward as possible. By specifying your target audience, you are narrowing down the competition in your business. Pairing the correct language with your product or service will help the audience understand what you are selling and allow them to act on it.
According to pain management specialist Jordan Sudberg, the conversation needs to be personalized for the individual and tailored to the situation. The conversation needs to be brief and specific, simple enough for everyone who will be involved in it. A good pitch gives an audience a tangible feeling so they can envision something they have never seen before.