Business & Finance

What Is Cyber Incident Response for Businesses?

The process of responding to cyber incidents is to identify, contain, eradicate, and recover from security breaches or attacks. 

An effective cyber incident responseYour organization will be able to minimize any damage from a security breach, and return to work as soon as possible.

There are many key considerations when creating a plan for cyber-incident response.

Recognize the possible security vulnerabilities

They are classified according to severity, and each attack type is given a plan of action.

Determine who should be included in the response.

Malware attacks: malware analyst

Security awareness group: Phishing attacks

SQL injection attacks: database administrator

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks: web developer

Network administrator: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), attacks

Each member of the team should be given clear responsibilities and roles

Malware analyst: Investigate the attack, Remove the malware and Determine how the system was compromised

To prevent attacks in the future, security awareness team creates awareness training for employees

Administrator of the database: Secure your database and make sure it isn’t been altered

Developer: Fix the vulnerability exploited to by attacker

As network administrator, monitor and enhance the firewall to detect suspicious activity.

A timeline listing all events occurring during the security breach is created

The following should be included in the timeline:

  • Time when the breach was initially discovered 
  • When different team members were notified
  • Was there any mitigation?
  • The systems came back online

Record the lessons learnt from this incident

It is crucial to record the lessons learned after a security breach has been resolved. You can use this documentation to help improve your cyber incident response plan in the future.

You should make sure you test the plan often to be certain it works.

Make sure that employees are aware of their responsibilities and roles in case there is a breach.

Companies need to know how to respond in cyber emergencies. You can minimize damage from a security breach by creating a plan and return to work as soon as possible.