If you define Civil warIt is loosely said that the second started just as quickly as the previous one. While Reconstruction was underway, many states were under military occupation. Southern insurgents adopted guerrilla tactics and the Klan, along with similar groups, carried out an a racial terror campaignThis massacre claimed the lives of thousands upon thousands of African Americans. Another civil war followed. In 1877, right as Reconstruction was coming to an end, there was a major railroad strike in American cities. In the months that followed, there were riots and repressions as well as shootings, troop deployments and many deaths. A socialist group was also involved. briefly seized powerSt. Louis. St. Louis. Quote Pittsburgh LeaderDeclared that the clashes may be the start of a civil war in the country.
Railroad strikes were just one example of violent labor struggles of the 19th century and the early 20th. Bay View Massacre, 1886To the Paint Creek Mine War of 1912–1913. The episodic class conflict was also intertwined by another series of episodic hostilities. Richard Maxwell Brown, the historian, has details. So calledThe Western Civil War of Incorporation. He described how the “conservative incorporating authority” (large corporate interests) and the state fought small ranchers, farmers, wage-workers discontented, and occasionally outlaws in frontier fighting. While the former were frequently allied to the Republican Party, the latter were likely to be Democrats and Populists. Some of these skirmishes spanned from the 1850s to the 1920s and are now legendary, such as the Mussel Slough War (1880), which was immortalized by Int. The Octopus; the Cochise County War of 1881–1882, immortalized in My Darling Clementine; The Johnson County War of1892, immortalized Heaven’s Gate.
They were by no means the last bloody outbreaks. Red Summer was 1919 when hundreds of people were killed by white invaders in black neighborhoods. The Depression brought another wave labor-capital conflict, this time with the help of steel companies stockpiling poison gas. The 1960s saw riots and the 1970s saw bombing campaigns. Bryan Burrough wrote in Days of RageAccording to the FBI, there were more than 2500 bombings of American soil every day, almost 5 per day. Burrough was quick to refer to them as “exploding news releases”, even though most didn’t kill anybody.
There were localized fights, too. 1898 coupIn Wilmington, North Carolina. White supremacists overthrew a elected biracial government and killed dozens, if not hundreds, of people. Or, on a less overtly political level, those prohibition-fueled gang battles for territory and market share that have periodically seized a city—ChicagoIn the 1930s MiamiThe 1980s.
Sometimes you can still sense violence simmering even though it wasn’t really breaking out. In Georgia in 1968, Hancock County elected a predominantly black government—the first county to do so since Reconstruction. It wasn’t all good news for everyone. In the ensuing decade, there was sporadic harassment and arson and even gunfire. There are still some locals who don’t think that has stopped. harboring suspicionsThe plane accident that claimed the life of John McCown, an activist from black America. One point tensions reached a boiling point and both McCown’s black-only county seat police force as well as a McCown-formed club began to stockpile submachine guns. Jimmy Carter, a young governor, stepped up and helped to negotiate a disarmament agreement. In another time, however, the Hancock County War may still be being told.
It’s not a good idea to declare such conflicts if you don’t think so. Civil warsYes, you are right. No, not even the Western Civil War of Incorporation—that’s a handy historical framework and a wonderfully evocative phrase, but it does not describe a war in the conventional sense of the word. The four-year battle from 1861 to1865 has been called the Civil War for a reason. Those other mêlées pale beside it.
You should also remember America’s long history of civil war. The Civil War II conversations tend to condense two possible scenarios. One in which the political violence escalates and one that Red/Blue polarization becomes an actual conflict with two sides. Both the first scenario is plausible, while the second one is unlikely. The pundits have their very own definitions of civil war, which don’t require any violence. This was the last year. New York TimesCharles Blow was a columnist and published the headline “Civil War seems closer.” “Approximately a dozen pages in, he said that this new war would be fought in courts and statehouses rather than on the battlefields.
That fear of full-fledged civil warfare is possible, or not. GrowingSince several years. Since the January 6th, 2021 riot at U.S. Capitol, it has intensified. Two books appeared to commemorate the anniversary of the eruption. Barbara F. Walter’s How Civil Wars Begin and What To Do To Stop ThemHere’s a look at recent research about political instability. Stephen Marche’s Next Civil WarA more imaginative approach is taken by Marche, who sketches four possibilities for Civil War II. He also suggests a fifth path in which the U.S. would be dissolved peacefully. Walter is a person who has read lots of social science. Marche seems to be someone who has also read much of it. Vox articles. Walter’s argument leapfrogs all of her academic evidence. Marche is able to take huge leaps using his method, but somehow he forgets to do so until a civil war.
The problem with Walter’s book—well, one of the problems—is best seen in her discussion of the Polity ProjectThis website rates countries using a scale of -10 to 10. You are considered a liberal democracy if your score is 6 or more. A score of -6 or less indicates that you are an autocracy. Walter tells us that countries between, also known as “anocracies,” have a higher likelihood of civil war breaking out. She adds that the United States has recently moved into the middle zone. Her argument is supported by examples from Indonesia to Ethiopia, which she cites as reasons for a country that’s democratizing but still not democratic to become more unstable. You might be tempted to believe that she is making a compelling argument, but you may not notice the moment in which she admits that all of her examples from real life involve a country that rises, and not falls, into anocracy territory.
Actually, she only offers one example of a backward country that was even near civil war. That is Ukraine during the Euromaidan protests. This is our only precedent. A country that has a history very different from the United States and in a different geopolitical environment. The civil war didn’t really end.. Now science seems to be a bit lacking.
It’s even more impressive to learn about the Polity Project’s numeric scores. Walter exclaimed with breathless delight that the U.S. had recently fallen to 5 out of 5. It was their “lowest rating since 1801”. According to this scientific measurement, America was less democratic in the period between 1801 and 1865. This is because large portions of the country were prevented from voting, but also kept as chattel. This scale should tell us something about civil war risk. Garbage in, garbage out.
Marche doesn’t care as much about crunching numbers, but is interested more in making up scenarios. One example is when federal inspectors close down a bridge that they consider unsafe. A sheriff resists the inspections and opens it again. This makes the sheriff a right-wing folk hero. Soon, militias are fighting the Army. Another is when an incel assassinates the first female president. What if there is a drought in the Midwest and a hurricane that decimates New York City? A dirty bomb could also be used to irradiate the Capitol of the United States.
Marche attempts to justify his stories by citing experts and mentioning historical precursors, such as the time an author was writing about a Holocaust. Arizona sheriffA county government which had decided to repair a bridge after the environmental impact study was completed by the federal government received support. (Yes, Marche succeeded a sheriff who had wanted to repair a bridgeWith a sheriff trying Refrain from repairing a bridge. The original arrangement wouldn’t allow him to have the sheriff state things such as “Anyone can use or refuse to use this bridge.” “You know what, my Grampy told me every day that it was unsafe to live. It’s not difficult to imagine ways these stories won’t happen, but I’m not going to dwell on it. Marche doesn’t want to tell us which of these stories is likely. He’s simply stating that SomethingThis could be possible. These are examples.
It is striking, therefore that even if they do end with another civil war it doesn’t seem to be the norm. Hurricane stories are apocalyptic but not in the Chickamauga style. At the end of the sheriff’s story, militias are mustering and swaths of the country are under military occupation; it feels a lot like…Reconstruction. Marche doesn’t use looser terms for civil war that could include Red Summer and Reconstruction. His explicit use of TheCivil War was the U.S.’s only civil war, even though his outcomes don’t seem to be very like it.
Red Summer would, regardless of whether it wasn’t Civil War II, be very unwelcome. This is not to say that there’s nothing to be concerned about. The point is that it’s important to focus on the right things. The wrong diagnosis can prevent you from finding the best treatment.
What do you mean when I say The wrong diagnosisIt’s not just a common tendency to associate political violence and civil war of the 1850s. It is a common tendency to confuse partisan polarization and political violence as two separate things. As though there will soon be war between Fox and MSNBC viewers: The Red and Blue taking over the Blue and Grey. This is not impossible, but it’s possible to imagine unlikely circumstances where this occurs, possibly centered around an election disputed. It’s strange that Marche’s stories don’t start in this way. Political disorder does not depend on the structure factors that allow only two parties to control American elections. Our violence, hatreds and loyalties point to many other places than the two that have dominated American elections. Walter and Marche are both aware of this, but it isn’t the case for everyone who indulges in pending-civil war chatter.
The 2020 riots are a good example. These are common when right-wing figures say we’re headed toward civil war. (Here is a TownhallColumnist Writing for summer: “There is good reason to believe our nation is heading for a bloody civil war given the myriad forces supporting rioting, looting and terrorizing innocent people….”) The fact that so much of the violence was targeted at Democratic municipal governments doesn’t make it easy to identify partisans. Liberals are more inclined to refer back to the January 2021 Capitol Riot when they worry about Civil War II. The partisans trying to stop the power transfer to their party did participate in that incident. But even there, the pro-Trump unity masked a lot of competing agendas and mutual distrust—and the latter has increased considerably since then, as the fear of federal infiltrators drives groups that were already distrustful even further apart. This Capitol mob does not look like an alliance of permanent soldiers; rather, it appears to be a temporary arrangement that disintegrated almost immediately.
This isn’t the only mistake. Walter opens his book with a moment in violence or would-be violence. It is the story of a group of antilockdowners who conspired to kill and kidnap Michigan Governor, Mark Hurd. Gretchen Whitmer. Walter describes the conspirators to be white nationalists. Minimum oneParticipants in this summer’s Black Lives Matter demonstrations. But they weren’t all pro BLM: One reportedly had another. A fight was startedWith some anti-racist demonstrators. This group wasn’t united by an racial ideologie.
Their partisan loyalty didn’t unite them either. The cabal contained both. Trump signs for guy by TruckersYou can also find out more about a Guy who suggested Donald Trump be hanged. They were united by violent opposition to Whitmer’s COVID policies. But even this didn’t bring them together. AllThese were: A minimum of 12 informants, and at least 2 undercover FBI agents. The plot is a partSometimes, they can assume important organizational roles.
Some analysts don’t stop at misdiagnosing, and offer solutions that are not compatible with their diagnosis. When Walter gives us advice on how to avoid a civil war, one of her first suggestions is to restore trust in America’s elections—and one of the ways that she’d like to do that is to adopt automatic voter registration. Although this may be an excellent idea by itself, the automatic voter registration is something that makes it even more appealing. absolutely no senseIt is a way of restoring trust in elections. Most people are more concerned with voter fraud than they are about other things. BelieveFraud is more common when automatic voter registration takes place
Walter acknowledges half of this. She tells us that the “far right”, which is based on the exclusion of minorities, won’t be subdued. However, she argues that this is not the case and declares that the reform will “earn support from moderates”. You write this when you aren’t sure what the conversation about electoral integrity is like in mainstream conservative circles.
If anything in these books makes me anxious about the future, it’s moments like that one—not passages that argue compellingly that we’re heading toward war, but passages that display the blindness that makes civil conflict more likely. The American experience with political violence is a legacy of colonial America. We can be sure that it will remain so long as we live. It’s important to be able to understand the beliefs of those on the other side.
How Civil Wars Begin and What To Do To Stop ThemBarbara F. Walter Crown, 322 pages, $27
Next Civil War: The American Future’s DispatchesStephen Marche, Avid Reader Press. 247 pages.