Lawyers for Donald Trump are moving forward with a lawsuit of $100 million against Hillary Clinton. They also requested that the judge in the case be removed from the courtroom because he was appointed by President Bill Clinton.
Trump filed the suit alleging that Clinton and his political associates participated in a racketeering plot. He also claimed that Trump colluded with Russian officials during 2016.
Trump’s attorneys have requested Judge Donald Middlebrooks be removed from the racketeering lawsuit Trump has filed against Hillary Clinton. They allege the judge could be seen as biased since Bill Clinton chose him for the federal court bench in 1997.
— POLITICO (@politico) April 4, 2022
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It’s a coincidence?
Lawyers for Donald Trump, Alina Habba and Peter Ticktin argue that Bill Clinton-appointed Judge Donald Middlebrooks could be biased based on his being appointed by the defendant’s husband.
Habba & Ticktin have filed this motion in Part:
“There is no question that Judge’s [sic] Middlebrooks’ impartiality would be questioned by a disinterested observer, fully informed of the facts, due to Judge’s relationship with the Defendant, either, individually, or by the very nature of his appointment to the Federal Bench, by the Defendant’s husband.
It is important that justice be done and that it appears to be being done. This could not be more important in a case like the above styled cause, where wrongs in regard to a presidential election are to be redressed.”
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Judges, at minimum, are appointed for agreeing with the presidency’s philosophies.
This is the next step:
“Moreover, the Plaintiff is unaware of the exact extent of the relationship between Judge Middlebrooks and the Defendant, HILLARY CLINTON, herself, who acted as First Lady of the United States, during the time of the Judge’s nomination to Federal Court Judge. Also, the Plaintiff does not know if the Judge is currently employed. [sic] relationship with either the Defendant, HILLARY CLINTON, or her husband, and how far back the relationship has existed.”
It is nothing in comparison to the hell their actions have caused for American Citizens! Prays each night that Trumps Lawsuit against Them All Will Bring Huge Consequences for Every One of Them Guilty Of These Criminal Acts Faux Russian Hoax! Hillary’s Crime Alone!
— L’SimplyARose (@SimplyARose) March 31, 2022
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Nature Of The Suit
This suit was filed in March and seeks damages amounting to approximately $100 million. It alleges that Clinton and the others are accused of having “maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative that … Trump was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty.”
It also states that the alleged conspiracy ultimately resulted in “an unthinkable plot – one that shocks the conscience and is an affront to this nation’s democracy.” Others named in the lawsuit include the Democrat National Committee (DNC), former FBI director James Comey, former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and current National Security Advisor for the Biden administration Jake Sullivan.
The suit also names Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent, as the plaintiff. It is believed that the document helped to kick off Russiagate.
Don’t forget the FEC fine Hillary Clinton received for her illegal activities. Trump won his landmark lawsuit because of this fact. This will fuel more Durham indictments, I think. All of this is going to be a success.
— George (@BehizyTweets) March 30, 2022
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Hillary has more problems
As if this was not enough bad news for team Hillary, the Federal Election Commission recently fined Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the DNC for improper campaign finance disclosures.
For failing to report payments related to the Steele dossier, the DNC received $105,000 while the Clinton Campaign was given 8,000.
The fine was issued because the Clinton campaign was dishonest about the financing of the dossier, “claiming it was for legal services, not opposition research.”
The Clinton Campaign and DNC have both denied wrongdoing. However, the DNC fine will play an important role in the racketeering suit.
Do you recall when media, Democrats and others tried to claim that the Steele Dossier was funded by Republicans?
Shouldn’t the FEC fine the media outlets who pushed that lie along with Hillary Clinton?
— RBe (@RBPundit) March 31, 2022