
This L.A. School Called the Cops on Unvaccinated Teens Who Showed Up for Class

After winter break ended, Ellah Nahum, 15, and some other students from her school came to Los Angeles’ New West Charter School Tuesday January 18 with lunches and backpacks. They hoped that they would be permitted in. The students had been in negotiations with the school since October when they learned that there would be a mandatory vaccine. Before returning from winter break they requested hearings in an effort to determine other ways to get vaccinated.

They arrived at school about 7:30 am and passed the first security checkpoint. The girls were satisfied that they had submitted proof of negative tests within the past 24 hours. The teens were not happy with the school’s second security checkpoint. School administrators demanded proof of vaccination. After tense talks between parents and administrators, teenagers and teens had been resolved, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), arrived on the scene and quickly cordoned off the area, depriving them of chairs and toilet breaks. according toThe girls.

Nahum tells There are reasons For several reasons, she isn’t currently vaccinated. She is a Jew and has concerns about the possibility of her body being exposed to vaccines. The fact that vaccines have been tested for many years, but not the COVID-19 vaccination has raised concerns. Some of her close friends experienced unusual side effects or had their periods stop shortly after they were vaccinated. She had already been infected with the virus as early as December 2020.

According to her, the “biggest thing” that has been common is the belief that she’s an anti-vaxxer. Although the school says that its students are 96 percent vaccine-free, Nahum notes that she has heard from others that certain students may have falsified vaccination records.

The school took a firm stance despite this. The mandate controversy was resolved on the same day. As it turned out, the parents were concerned that their children would be having trouble, and they went with them to school expecting to talk to administrators. At 10:10 or 10:30 am, LAPD was called by the school. The officer told the girls that their children weren’t allowed on campus. Nahum said they had a lawyer.

“If you can think of anything to do with us, it is possible.” Not Nahum claims that attending school was the illegal aspect of the situation. She told one cop, who was unvaccinated, about it. Nahum, her classmates, and their teacher were held for several hours in an enclosed area. They were sitting on thin pipes that were lining the wall. Nahum likened it to a wall sitting. However, some teenage girls began asking for chairs. Nahum asked the officer to investigate. The administrators denied Nahum’s request as well as one made by a girl wanting to use the restroom. (New West refutes this account.

She says, “At this point it almost became comedic.”They are adults doing something to 15-year-old girls…if anything this just looks worse on them.”

Line dividers—the types you see at concerts—were brought over to cage the girls in, confining them to that area. (Nahum joked to me that Broski can go under. She said it felt almost like she was in a zoo. After the bell rang, students began to question why the girls were being kept away from their classes. Nahum said that an administrator responded, “Because they are unvaccinated.” She was furious at the school for not giving her personal information in this way.

At noon, Nahum and the group gave the ultimatum to the girls: If you don’t leave soon, your suspension will be enforced. Nahum, the group and others decided to go and have not been back to school since.

COVID-19 is required of all students at least once a week. There are reasons I asked school officials if they would accept proof of natural immunity to let me return to school. They didn’t answer.

Let Them Breathe filed a lawsuit January 18 for unidentified students. This organization has previously fought against vaccine mandates and won similar suits against San Diego Unified Schools District. This suit claims that California law is infringing on such mandatory vaccines. John S. Meyer of the San Diego County Superior Court noted that these vaccine mandates are only legal if imposed by the legislature and not specific school district.

Sharon McKeeman, of Let Them Breathe says that students weren’t there to hold a sit in. They were simply showing up for school. New West says these students were there to disrupt and protest, but the truth is that they weren’t!”

COVID-19 presents a minimal risk to youth and is transmitted both by the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Because of the many cases in the community, COVID-19 was so prevalent that school delayed returning from winter break. Based on recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data (CDMCP), the hospitalization rate stands at 5.4 per millionFor unvaccinated teenagers, it is approximately the same rate as for the present hospitalization rate. vaccinated adults.

Nahum says that if it was really about campus safety, she would have accepted the offer. She also noted how humiliating the fact she was kept in a closed off area. “I don’t expect to make many new friends upon my return.”