Thanks to you all, the insanely crazy 1,478 who collectively DonatedJust over $630,000 was raised for the annual webathon in this year. The final $100,000 match was extremely difficult, but we managed it! Special thanks go to challenge grant donors who doubled your donations. We couldn’t be happier with this total, which shattered all records.
Officially, the webathon has ended. However, journalists know that it sneaks in right before the deadline. We’ll let you have a couple more hours if you’d like to make a late entry. donation and still get some of that Sweet, sweet swag.
Special thanks for your support There are reasonsThe first NFT venture by a man named, costing 0.75ETH or about $3,000. There are reasonsTed Barnett, trustee was gracious enough to be our host. We appreciate your bidding. There are reasonsWe are grateful that you recognize this fact.
This week, we’ve been talking about how to make it work. There are reasonsIt is possible because of the generosity of those who give their hard-earned money, credit and crypto. However, I want to say something. It is the best thing that you can do for others. There are reasonsEngage with our articles, videos and podcasts.
Because we believe that journalism, which is trustworthy and interesting, can help spread libertarian ideas throughout the globe, we do what we do. You can tweet us or share an article via Facebook. We are able to share the content we create with more people because of your engagement, which is an important part of our mission. You never know which story will touch a nerve or tug at your heartstrings.
Thank you for taking the time to listen and give us space. Our amazing viewers and listeners are truly appreciated. Even—especially—if you don’t always agree with what we have to say.
Naturally, we don’t say no to everything. Money in cash either. Consider setting up your Substack and Patreon budgets if you are the type of person who is able to afford it. donationYou can find more information here There are reasonsYou can support us all year round by supporting our work with monthly recurring payments
We are so grateful to you for another record-setting webathon. Without you, it would have been impossible.