Formerly mask-militant Democrats are losing support for continuing mask mandates. Public health officials and others in the public sector have stopped supporting them. California Gov. Gavin Newsom will end the state’s indoor mask requirement next week. New Jersey and Connecticut won’t require masks at schools, according to Gavin Newsom. CNN’s medical analyst Leana Wein, who had previously flirted with truly disturbing policies regarding the stigmatization and vaccination of unvaccinated people, sounds now positively libertarian. heraldedThe end of mandates is “a necessary shift from government-imposed requirements to individual decision.”
Wen asserts “the science has changed.” In reality, little has changed in the last six months—the vaccines continue to be the only significant policy intervention to drastically prevent severe cases of COVID-19—except that many, many more people have caught and recovered from coronavirus. Case numbers fluctuate as more contagious variants run wild through the population—with masks and other measures doing little to deter them—but the vaccinated enjoy robust protection.
Team Blue is still welcome to give up mask mandates.
But not everyone in the careful coalition has yet to jump ship. American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten—whose significant influence over the Biden administration makes her the person most responsible for the education system’s failures during the pandemic—is still reluctant to let kids lose their masks. She stated that she supported a “masking-off-ramp” but was against it when there were “spreads.” [is]It is low enough to prevent transmission or dissemination in schools
COVID-19 will not disappear completely. There is always the chance of one student passing the disease on to another. COVID-19 is likely to be mild in those who have been vaccinated. It will also affect students, regardless of whether they were vaccinated. A healthy young person is at low risk for serious illness. They can choose to be vaccinated.
Randi Weingarten from Teachers’ Union says she will not support unmasking of children if there is ZERO COVID transmission.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 8, 2022
However, Weingarten said that she was willing to support a de-masking program in schools with a minimum of 80 percent vaccination rate. She stated that she liked the Massachusetts approach. According to them, schools that have a 80% vaccination rate can be lifted from the mandates. It is too cautious. Schools may allow students to remove their masks, even though they have a lower vaccination rate than the rest of the population. Despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s inaccurate reporting about this topic, there is little to suggest that compulsory masking has made a substantial difference in schools.
One of MSNBC’s guests Dr. Lucy McBride said that mask mandates do more harm than good. There isn’t any convincing evidence that masking kids in schools can make a difference in school transmission, she stated.
Some students go two years and never see their classmates or teachers again. Weingarten understands when she is talking and must be heard. She also knows that it is better to take off her mask than to hide. during a recent conference appearance. Why is this any different for the classroom?
It was a pleasure to meet D. Taylor and the other @UniteHereLeaders in Las Vegas discuss the future path to support workers
— Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) February 6, 2022