Remy has returned to make it rain after ten years of adding $15 trillion to the debt to his original rap.
Written and performed by Remy; video produced by Meredith & Austin Bragg; mastering by Ben Karlstrom.
Increase the debt ceiling
Increase the debt ceiling
Increase the debt ceiling
Re-raise the debt ceiling!
Threety-trillion dollars of debt, and we’re right back
Tell your friends and family that you are still printing lots of money
You doubted Thomas when I said this, but it did happen.
Thirty is the last trillion I’ll ever need—I swear, I promise
We see businesses in distress and we print money.
They call me Pee Wee Herman because of the theater stimulant they give me
We feel like junkies who are just trying to get the itch.
Could I get another trillion? I promised my district a bridge
Although it was an emergency before, the lessons were learned.
We’re spending so much now to print the chart.
Spending billions to buy sweet military gear
Are you a friend or foe? Do you have a message for the enemy?
Increase the debt ceiling
Increase the debt ceiling
Increase the debt ceiling
Re-raise the debt ceiling!
We’re super excited to be back at the Fed.
We manage to print lots of money even though we work remotely
Yes sir, still dropping IOUs into every fund
Hamilton started this place—that’s why it only goes “BRR!!!”
It’s not good that prices have risen at all venues.
The dollar menu sure looks awful.
It’s becoming increasingly difficult for competent drivers to keep up with rising gas prices.
It costs an arm and a leg—where am I? The Saudi consulate?
It’s worth giving it a shot.
M1 once was used to sink your battleship. Now it is what you need to use to purchase one
Say the magic word. I’ll turn the printer on.
Charmin could run out paper for his son but, guess what?
Increase the debt ceiling
Increase the debt ceiling
Increase the debt ceiling
Re-raise the debt ceiling!
Take a look at the chart again.
More than 40% of all dollars we spend are borrowed
It is shocking how fast nondiscretionary spending moves!
Have you received a satisfactory answer? Yes! You’re racist
Spend most of your money on children Spend most of your money on patients
Okay—hear me out—why don’t we spend most on interest payments?
This is the story of how we play with fire.
What is the best way to classify incompetence? Temporary
Mirrors are more like mirrors than objects.
For a man using a printer, every problem is a ream
However, I am able to see the people we elected as our leaders.
It won’t take long before we are back to saying that we have to
Increase the debt ceiling
Increase the debt ceiling
Increase the debt ceiling
Re-raise the debt ceiling!