Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) signed a BillWednesday saw the passing of House Bill 3543, which creates a committee to monitor free speech in state universities and public colleges. This week, the Senate of Pennsylvania passed House Bill 35343 with bipartisan support.
H.B. H.B. 3543 would establish the Oklahoma Free Speech Committee for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. This is the agency that governs public universities in the state. It would be the responsibility of this new committee to review and recommend college free speech policies, training, and procedures. They also need to consider complaints from faculty and students who feel their First Amendment rights have been violated.
This bill encourages a break with current culture war practices and signals an end to them Continue readingOn college campuses, free speech H.B. H.B. 3543 is far more compatible with a belief that free speech rights are important than conservative attempts to ban the discussion of the “Divisive concepts“ Eliminate tenure or liberal efforts to demand students and faculty adhere to progressive groupthink.
The bill’s sponsor, Chad Caldwell, (R–Enid) ArgumentsH.B. The H.B.“Understanding only some basic concerns, mainly that colleges and universities will be prepared to protect rights and free speech rights of all our faculty or staff.”
Caldwell drew inspiration from FIRE (the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education), an organization focused on college and university campuses. Oklahoma has zero schools that have been awarded this distinction. FIRE’s Rating greenlightThis is an award given to universities who have policies in place that ensure student freedom and protect speech rights.
John Coleman from FIRE Legislative Counsel says that the Governor Stitt has signed HB3543. There are reasons In an email. It is positive that Oklahoma has established a committee to examine the speech policies at its public universities and colleges. This will help protect and promote freedom of speech for both students and teachers.
Caldwell explained that a professor shouldn’t be worried about losing their job if they make statements like Caldwell. We shouldn’t let students worry that if they don’t agree with the Republican or Liberal views, I will get an F. It shouldn’t be happening at any one of our universities or colleges.
Only two opposition votes were needed to pass the bill through the 48-member Senate.
In the following: StatementThe State Board of Regents responded to the legislation said, “Public colleges and universities are part of the state system. We embrace the First Amendment as institutions and respect free speech. According to the Board,We will comply with the law if this bill becomes law.“