new study suggests changing food menus to include more fruits and vegetables and less meat options may be an effective and It is easier to cut meat intake than with restrictive and punitive policies. The Guardian reportedThis week. Study found that vegetarians had a lower number of choices than those who eat meat. The GuardianThe study concluded that making it simpler to choose meatless food could prove more effective than some other approaches, like taxing or banning meat on specific days.
It StudyThis week, the Oxford University Scholars published a paper titled “The Authors of…” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical ActivityThis article examines how to increase your chances of success.[e]To encourage more sustainable buying, there are many meat-free options. The authors support such an approach, arguing that “reducing meat and dairy consumption… could lead to substantial benefits both in terms of health and environmental impact.” The conclusion was “It is possible to decrease the number of people who eat meat by making it more readily available..”
What people eat is irrelevant to me. More meatOr Reduce meat consumption, raw meat, FAKE MEATSOr no meatnone at all. The environmental, animal rights, and dietary arguments that prohibit eating meat are all highly suspect to me. My belief is that government policies should not encourage nor discourage the eating of meat. My belief is that everyone should choose what food they want. It’s not that I am evangelical, but I do preach the following: Eat what you like.
Other people clearly don’t agree. Taxing meat is an increasingly popular option, as well as the proliferation of so-called “taxable” products. Mondays without meat, is an increasingly popular policy proposal—particularly in Europe. Some believe that anti-meat policies can cure animals, people and the entire environment of many ills. Take, for example, the 2020 StudySuggestions for high meat taxes, up to 30 percent, and subsidies for fruit and vegetables would result in a multitude of positive changes in health and sustainability.
While taxing meat at all—or, particularly, at a time of Record-breaking beef prices—seems particularly cruel and regressive, meat taxes are gaining traction in some corners. A 2018 example: StudyBy (other) Oxford researchers, a global tax on meat was called for. British leaders in health and environment have We urge you toThe government would adopt a tax on meat that would be levied by the country. IncreasingThe price of beef has increased by 25% The same goes for other European countries. weighedIt is time to tax meat. PETA, an anti-meat group, is not surprising. SupportTaxes on meat Some even advocate meat taxes. Suggestions the spread of meat taxes is “imminent”—and something the United States should adopt.
“I do think that we should seriously consider a meat tax in the U.S.,” Prof. Jeff Sebo of New York University Telled Last year, MarketWatch. The meat industry is causing massive, unnecessary harm to workers and the public’s health.[,]subsidies, deregulation and environment.
Although I don’t agree with Sebo’s assertion that the meat sector isn’t tightly regulated, it is highly subsidized. (Those subsidies, however, have been used often. Complete the formPayments to farmers who raise livestock Plants—i.e., corn and soy—that many livestock eat). The urge to tax food that taxpayers already subsidise and do it in a retrogressive manner, is essentially borrowing from the Broken playbookinclude those who believe soda should be taxed, even though the federal government subsidises the sugar industry. (I won’t explain again why it’s a bad idea to force taxpayers to support an industry and then punish those taxpayers—with more taxes—for buying that industry’s products, instead of simply implementing neither tax in the first place.)
There are also other critics to meat taxes Weighed in.
“A tax on red meat would be a retrograde step, both for overall diet quality… and for health inequalities,” Carrie Ruxton, a public health nutritionist and dietitian in the United Kingdom, TelledCNBC, 2018. An article about the global meat tax. “There’s no evidence of high quality linking processed and red meat with heart disease or stroke.[,]or diabetes and the risk of bowel carcinoma only apply to weekly intakes exceeding 700g. Because this is a very small number of people, there would need to be a general tax on meat.
The Oxford Study confirms that restrictive measures such as taxes on meat are not more appealing to consumers than those that do not involve government intervention. It is clear that the majority of food sellers want customers to eat less meat. Or, in other words, they are looking to sell more.sustainable purchasingThe “decisions” should be to simply modify their menus so that there are more vegetarian options.
This is a wise business move. Perhaps not. It could be. According to study authors, a major obstacle for the success of their preferred method is its requirement that “…”Chefs are shifting towards meat-free cooking when meat consumption remains high.It may not be an easy task. But since it’s one that requires no government intervention, it’s also one that—unlike mandatory taxes—preserves choices, and allows food sellers to choose to embrace or avoid it. This is fine with me.