A group of cattle ranchers have asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture for help in ending the moronic beef “checkoff”, which drives up the prices for beef for all. reported last month. The USDA was required to receive the petition by this week. QuestionsAgency to submit the checkoff for a vote by producers.
R-CALF represents independent producers of cattle in the country and was responsible for organizing the petition. R-CALF claims that the vast majority of checkoff funds end up in the hands of the government. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association(NCBA), the National Council of Black Accountants, NumerousThe nation’s top beef producer.
“Today when you purchase a Big Mac or T-bone, part of the price is a tax for beef. This revenue goes to a private trade association called the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Washington Monthly reported2014. The NCBA uses the public money to purchase ads to encourage you to eat beef more often.
R-CALF PetitionThe recipient of more than 19,000 votes was SigningThe 35-year-old Checkoff Program is not working for its participants. This includes the fact that the program’s administrators have been unaccountable and corrupted, as well as the fact that the program restricts the ability of farmers and ranchers to participate in “robust and free competition, liberty, freedom, and the freedom to conduct their business however they choose.”
You can read my 2016 book to learn more. We should eat what the hands give usUSDA has “checkoff” programs for beef and pork. Other white meat.” dairyMilk mustache and various other food
The USDA claim that businesses are empowered by the obsolete, obligatory collectivist marketing strategy. As I described in 2017 columnThe beef checkoff programs have been subject to legal challenges. This program costs farmers and ranchers $750 millions each year. It’s quite a bit of unneeded coin for you to lose in the name of government “empowerment”.
Even though meat prices are on the rise since the beginning of the pandemic but have remained steady, the majority of farmers and ranchers have not been able to see their portion of that growth. This is one of the reasons why Biden’s administration is so successful. BlamingFor the rise in prices, the country’s “Big Four” meat processors. R-CALF also believes that the USDA should end its checkoff program.
However, their main complaint is with USDA promotion. According to the Associated Press, this happens “at a point when imported meats are flooding the marketplace and fake meats are flooding grocery stores.”
The checkoff program is an unconstitutional, expensive and pointless imposition that restricts farmers’ and ranchers’ rights to sell their products as they choose. Marketing beef, of course, is not a problem—no more than, say, marketing soap is a problem. There would be no problem if ranchers gathered together to buy advertising praising the amazingness of beef on their own dime. This is not the way that the beef checkoff works. The problem with beef checkoff is not that ranchers are required to take part, but that they raise prices for consumers.
They must also participate, regardless of whether they wish to receive benefits or not. Most don’t. This article is about the checkoff program. We should eat what the hands give usI also note “if there are benefits to being from…” [checkoffs]These are not likely to be enjoyed either by the farmer or you. Yes. R-CALF could take a significant step towards ending the beef checkoff, which is causing waste. What’s the deal? cost less for dinner.