Many German states have outlawed the display of letterheads in public. ZThis is the Russian symbol of invasion in Ukraine.
People who display the letter in public will face prosecution by the states of Bavaria and Saxony as well as Lower Saxony. Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Saxony-Anhalt are considering implementing their own bans as well.
“The Russian attack against Ukraine is a crime, and anyone who publicly supports this war could be criminally liable,” he stated. Marek WedeThe spokesperson of Germany’s Interior Ministry is. German law prohibits the public from supporting illegal acts. A fine up to three years imprisonment could be imposed on those found guilty.
The letter ZHave beeRussian n painted Tankstroops transport vehicles, since the invading of Ukraine. It is also reported that some Russian citizens have painted this symbol on their vehicles. gymnastThe symbol was worn on the uniform of the Russian Defense Ministry during an Apparatus World Cup ceremony in Doha (Qatar). According to the Russian Defense Ministry, this symbol is for “za Pobedu,” or “for victory”.
Ende MarchUkrainian Minister for Foreign Affairs Dmytro KulebaTweeted “I ask all states to criminalize using the Z symbol in public support of Russia’s war against Ukraine.” Russian war crimes: bombing cities and thousands of deaths in Ukraine. It is forbidden for the public to support this barbarism.”
Germany’s attempt to relax its ban on hate speech and some types of political speech has been criticised by those who believe that it is attempting too much. ZUkraine should not ban anyone.
While it’s regrettable, some choose to back Putin’s assault on a sovereign country. No one can believe, even politicians, that banning the symbol ‘Z’ will make them change their mind. It will likely encourage Russia’s support, who claim they feel victimized by the West, to the contrary.” Sabine Beppler–Spahl is chairperson of Freiblickinstitut in Germany. Spiked.
“Moreover, proRussian protestors can accuse Germany now of hypocrisy. The same German politicians that have repeatedly attacked the Russian repression of dissident voices are also repressing German dissident voices.”