Omicron grows. Media reports state that Omicron is spreading.
Many people have done so, closing schools and bringing back the mask mandates.
These rules are they effective?
This video demonstrates why Florida has a better approach.
Gov. Ron DeSantis eliminated pandemic restrictions and is refusing to add new ones. His definition of insane is “doing the same thing over and again expecting a different outcome.” The “hysteria” that drives lockdown states to do very damaging things can be attributed to their state of lockdown.
He is hated by the media for such comments.
Don Lemon, CNN anchor, said that “some governors put their political gains ahead of the children’s lives.”
You’d believe that rules, bans and shut downs save lives if you watched most of the TV news. Florida did not have tougher rules. Florida is the reason Florida people were killed.
Action News Tampa reports that Florida is leading the country in COVID cases.
Florida has the highest rate of coronavirus in the country. These are my rants The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur.
However, it is not true.
Florida had FewerDeaths in 16 states more than the previous.
New Jersey, Arizona, Alabama and Mississippi had the highest deaths per head. New York City, home to most television anchors, and me, was the sixth-most deathly city.
Florida was better, even though Florida is home to more elderly people who are at high risk.
Is there something going on?
Media rarely lie. The media often cite Florida only when there are many deaths and neglect the state when they have fewer. They trick by omission. The good numbers in Florida don’t match the biases of reporters.
However, even pro-lockdown politicians recognize that Florida is just as dangerous as other states.
After Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.) After Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) complained about “antishutdown persons” spreading COVID “all over the place”, she was caught partying in Florida.
Two days after Rep. Eric Swalwell sneered that “Republican liars…prolonged” the pandemic…”your vacation cancelled,” he was photographed in Miami.
DeSantis laughs at this. “If I could have a dollar to pay every Florida lockdown politician that decided to flee to Florida in the past two years, then I would be quite doggone rich.”
People can live better lives if there are fewer rules. Florida’s unemployment rate, which is well below New York’s 6.6 per cent is due to a lack of shutdowns.
Does this mean shutdowns and mask mandates are useless—and less regulated Florida has the answer?
No. That is impossible. It’s not clear that there is a pattern.
Although strict mandate states, such as New York, New Jersey and Michigan, have high death tolls, California’s mandates are stricter and cause fewer deaths.
One clear trend is that lockdowns do not stop COVID-19 but destroy opportunities. California has the highest unemployment rate in America.
Florida has done some horrible things. DeSantis needs to pay closer attention his pro-freedom speech. He declared last year that no one may require workers or customers to get vaccinated.
Governor? These are private businesses! They ought to have the power to decide for themselves. It is usually the totalitarian left who won’t allow people to set their own rules.
Other than that, Florida’s COVID-19 policies have been praised as some of the best.
Lockdowns are not going to stop the virus. We have to learn how we can live with it. Most of us now have the ability to live with COVID-19 thanks to new vaccines and drugs.
“We don’t have to upend human life in our quest to eliminate COVID…which can’t happen anyway,” says economist Don Boudreaux.
This isn’t “admitting defeat”, but rather “admitting reality”. We learn to live with COVID in the same way that we learn to live with many other pathogens….One day, every one of us is going to be done in by something.”
This is why I am going to Florida for vacation this week.
When I’m with people, I might wear a mask. But most times I won’t. It’s wonderful to let your lungs free.
It is possible that I will contract omicron. I am vaccinated, fit and healthy so I won’t likely die. Perhaps I will be able to gain future immunities.
But, we will all be done in by some thing.
I chose to live in freedom.