ReasonThe motto of ‘Free minds, Free Markets’ is the mission statement at. However, we believe in the free exchange of information. Our website is free to read. Our podcasts are free to listen to. Our videos are available for download. Get our newsletters free of charge.
Because we believe that individual freedom makes the world better, we produce labor-intensive journalism each day. Then we release it to the internet for everyone to read while they’re at work, driving to soccer practice, or just sitting down on the toilet.
Stories about How to Take Shrooms, supply-chain policy shenanigansThe fate of Texas’ barely-legal strippers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention litanyOf failuresThe, Criminal justice miscarriages every single day. It’s because when you truly love something, it is your duty to give it away. Even though the content in the magazine is eventually available online, you still need to be able to access it. SubscribeTo experience the dead-tree full-experience.
It costs money to create all this great stuff. This is where you come in.
From now until December 7, you’ll be asked questions. donateTo ReasonYou can help support the creation and distribution of content that you love. With posts such as this, we will remind you why you should donate and send you pop-up advertisements. (What’s that? You hate pop-up ads? You can make them go away by—you guessed it—donating!) A special episode of will air on Video. Roundtable ReasonYou can have any question you like about Nick Gillespie or Matt Welch on the podcast. Submit questions by 5:00 today Swag will be offered!
You can get an idea of the value of your donations by matching the levels of giving with the type of work, gear and services that your money will help to pay.
A temporary deal will be made if we receive $50. Reason tattoo. A week’s worth of coffee will be purchased for you at the D.C. offices. This is crucial. Christian Britschgi is the worst case scenario for caffeine withdrawal. People with straws of plastic are used for stabbingAs if he were a vampire.
We’ll give you $100, and then we’ll do the rest. ReasonMagazine digital subscription which includes access to more than 50 year-old archives Reason magazine). The donation funds a robot to translate the interviews that we do for our podcasts, videos and for other reporting, including for print and web features. This was once a job for interns. ReasonWe are constantly looking for cheaper ways to complete our work faster and more efficiently, so when robots became smart enough to understand us we gave the job over.
Upgrading to $250 will get you an additional bonus: We’ll give you a free gift! ReasonThe 2022 calendar is located on the pile. This will allow you to spend more time every day with us. This is enough money to purchase a ticket to go to a conference, hearing, prison, or party. For the past year and half we have not been able get on as many airplanes as we wanted, but we are back on the road looking for stories.
Spend $500 to get all the above and a signed copy. Tech PanicRobby Soave is Senior Editor. We can purchase books with your money ForIt is important for our writers to research the topic, monitor competition and grow their thinking so that it can be used as a tool for your own growth.
A $1,000 gift gets you an exclusive lunch at Washington, D.C. Reason editor (pick me, I love food! Suderman loves to drink! An invitation to Reason Weekend 2022. When our next cub reporter arrives at the office with his duct-taped Chromebook, that amount of money will buy him a computer.
For $5,000 you get everything above and a ticket for Reason Weekend. This amount helps to pay for some of the truly alarming amounts of gear. ReasonVideo team must do their jobs, but they need to be able to handle the absurdity of costumes it requires to keep them entertained RemyIt was a joy to be able to take part in a dance performance for the Bragg Brothers.
You get all the information you need plus 2 tickets to Reason Weekend. It’s our confession time. RealBudget for weekly coffee. We’re so sorry.
Please consider making a donation. ReasonYou can choose any form. If you are in the mood to shop, then why not? Make use Why?Amazon as your point of entry?Every time you purchase something, we’ll receive a small kickback. Nick Gillespie, our fun year-end donor, will be on hand to show you a different way of donating. In the interim, we’d love to have you with us. Credit, crypto or cashSupport the work we do throughout the year, and give it away free of charge.