Today, Joe Biden made remarks about Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked, and unjustified attack on Ukraine was condemned by Joe Biden. He called it a “premeditated war” that would cause a devastating loss of lives and suffering. Biden described a series of harsh sanctions against Putin that will be implemented in concert with Western allies.
Biden stated, “Putin selected this war.” “He will be paid.”
Despite outlining strong punishments in the form of sanctions and frozen assets, Biden has set a bright line on just how directly the U.S. will involve itself in the fighting: “Our forces are not—and will not be—engaged in the conflict with Russia in Ukraine.”
The president also stated that the U.S. will defend NATO allies with the “full force of American power” in case Russia’s military activities stray outside Ukraine’s borders. To reassure NATO allies, U.S. forces already in Europe have been sent to the countries of the east flank. The alliance has never been attacked by Russia, but Russia did not attack any NATO nations. SaysIt “will continue doing whatever it is necessary” in order to protect its members from aggressive acts.
Biden’s statement that the United States should not have boots on the ground with Ukraine is correct. This isn’t something the American public wants—according to a poll conducted by Concerned Veterans for America and YouGov, just 9 PercentMany respondents strongly supported the U.S. going at war with Russia in response to an invasion of Ukraine. Americans will be Are you tired of fighting?. It’s not surprising, after completing a twenty-year mission to Afghanistan. Presidents in recent years have often rushed to join the U.S. into distant conflicts without clear ties to national security and with dubious justifications.
In comparison to what we might have done, the decision to place American soldiers in NATO allies territory seems wise. However, this doesn’t come without problems. As former Rep. Justin Amash (L–Mich.) pointed outLast month, the President attempted to send U.S. soldiers into Eastern Europe hostilities without authorization from Congress. This violated “Americans’ right to representation regarding their loved ones being sent to war.” Congress has not issued a declaration of war, which is constitutionally RequiredA president cannot direct the U.S. Armed Forces without Congress’ approval. Under the War Powers Resolution, 1973, the president must inform Congress about troop committals in 48 hours. If Congress refuses to approve an extension, troops can be removed after 60 day. These legal standards show that Biden’s troop related actions are flawed.
Biden should be commended for his actions to help protect U.S. forces. Biden is a credit to his actions in protecting U.S. soldiers. EndA war which resulted to the death of over 2400 American military personnel in Afghanistan. To stop Russian aggression, he has decided to not send American soldiers into Ukraine. He realizes how deadly a conflict between these two superpowers can be. These are difficult decisions to make in the face of brutal attacks that are endangering civilians—civilians the U.S. should welcome with open arms.
Biden deserves credit, but it should be accompanied by an asterisk. It’s reassuring that his first instinct wasn’t direct boots-on-the-ground intervention in Ukraine—but his current course of action should still concern anyone who supports more restraint and accountability in U.S. foreign policy.