Department of Homeland Security, (DHS) AnnoucedIt announced yesterday that Ukraine will be given temporary protected status. For the next 18 month, this designation will be in force and prevents Ukrainian nationals being returned to Ukraine. TPS beneficiaries from Ukraine may also be eligible Get itThe United States has employment authorization
“Russian’s premeditated, unprovoked attack upon Ukraine has caused an ongoing war, violence and forced Ukrainians to seek refuge elsewhere.” DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “In these extraordinarily difficult times, our support will continue and we will protect Ukrainian nationals here in the United States.”
Some 4,000 Ukrainians live in the United States. FaceNearly 3,000 asylum seekers are subject to deportation proceedings according Syracuse University researchers. The Migration Policy Institute Get estimatesThatThe United States has approximately 35,000 Ukrainians in its custody, although DHS officials have not confirmed this. NoteTPS is open to as many as 75,000 applicants Ukrainians You are eligibleTPS must have resided in the U.S. for at least one year beginning March 1.
Ukrainians that are eligible to TPS are educated and have been a large part of the American workforce. The potential TPS-eligible population of Ukrainians has a high education level compared to the general population in the United States. SubmittedIn a fact sheet, the American Immigration Council. The AIC states that while 32.7 percent of Americans are born abroad, and 33.1% of Americans were born in the United States, approximately half (49.6%) of Ukrainians eligible to receive TPS benefits have at least a Bachelor’s Degree. AIC NotedNearly three quarters (75%) of TPS beneficiaries are actively involved in the labour force. Of those who are, 97.1% are employed.
While yesterday’s TPS status was welcome, there are many issues that remain when it comes time to provide immigration assistance for Ukrainians. TPS will not apply to anyone who arrives in the U.S. on or after March 1. They will face deportation. This applies only to Ukrainians currently living on American soil. It does not apply to refugees from Ukraine who wish to migrate here. 1 million Ukrainians now have fleThey have their own country. no clear pathBecause of limited immigration opportunities, it was possible for them to arrive here. BacklogIn application processing and a Lack of directionThe Biden administration.
TPS for Ukrainians, and the Biden administration’s decision to Deportation flights suspendedThe U.S. provides some relief for the Ukrainians who live here, as Russia and Ukraine are the closest countries. Even more What must be done?We must address the crisis of refugees in Eastern Europe.