
A Friday Bonus Reason Roundtable! Live from Reason Weekend in Nashville.



Friday Bonus Reason Roundtable! Nashville: Live from Reason Weekend

Friday Bonus There are reasons Roundtable! Enjoy the experience! There are reasons WeekendNashville

This Friday’s special Reason RoundtableEditors Matt Welch, Peter Suderman, Katherine ManguWardPlease see the following: Nick GillespieDiscuss President Joe Biden’s extension of the student loan moratorium and Big Labor.

14:47: Extending the student loan moratorium by The Biden Administration

34:52, Biden and Big Labor

40:58 Editors take questions from Reason Weekend’s live audience

Here are this week’s top links

“Mad Genius”Matt Welch

“40 years of free minds and free markets”Brian Doherty

Joe Biden Retains the Federal Student Loan MoratoriumBy Corey Walker

Biden’s Coronavirus Treatment Package Does Not Have Much to Do with CoronavirusPeter Suderman

“Canceling Putin, Closing Russians”Katherine ManguWard

“The Big Labor President”Matt Welch

What should we be eating this week?