If you’re not a fan of the American healthcare system, you’re not alone. The medical landscape has changed dramatically in recent years, thanks to the Affordable Care Act and we have a long way to go to fix healthcare in the USA.
This law was aimed at increasing access to health insurance for Americans who didn’t previously have it, and many experts credit it with helping tens of millions more people get coverage.
However, some aspects of the ACA remain controversial—and its repeal may lead to drastic changes for people who are already insured. In this article, we’ll discuss some possible scenarios for how health insurance will change in 2023 and what steps you can take now so that your insurance stays stable during these turbulent times.
Build a relationship with a primary care physician
“The primary care physician is your first line of defense,” said Dr. Tanya Peters, a family medicine specialist at American Hope Resources in Los Angeles. “They can help you find a specialist if needed and they’re the experts at diagnosing and treating common illnesses.”
“If you have chronic health problems, like diabetes or asthma, it’s important that you stay on top of them with your primary care doctor,” said Dr. Peters. “He or she will help manage those conditions by making sure that you get the right medications.”
Find health insurance through your workplace or a family member
You can get health insurance through your employer, or you can enroll in your parent’s employer-sponsored plan. If you’re under 26 and are not eligible for Medicare, you may also be able to enroll in your parent’s employer-sponsored plan as long as they have a high enough income.
If you don’t qualify for government coverage, there are ways still to find affordable health insurance and what we suggest more often than not at American Hope Resources is to reach out to a local broker who can guide you in the right direction. Ask friends, family, or even within local Facebook groups who can help price out a health insurance plan for you and your family and you’ll see how many folks there are locally who can help.
There are many ways you can access health insurance.
You may be able to get health insurance through your employer. This is true if they offer it as a benefit of employment or have partnered with a private health plan provider. If this is the case, you will likely be required to pay a portion of the monthly premium and any deductibles before receiving coverage for services. If this isn’t something that interests you, think about other options: family members, government-run programs, and individual plans.
Final Thoughts From American Hope Resources
The most important thing to remember is that there are a lot of options out there. The best way to make sure you have the right one for you is to take time and do your research. There are many resources available online that can help you figure out what kind of insurance works best for your situation, so don’t be afraid to reach out if needed.
More articles from the author can be found here: https://medium.com/@AmericanHopeResources