
Canadian Professor Suspended for Comments Criticizing COVID Vaccination of Children

The Canadian Press (Jacob Serebrin) reported June 30; Université Laval is a prominent Canadian public research university, and apparently “the oldest centre of higher education in Canada”:

Patrick Provost, a professor at Université Laval who studies micro RNA — small molecules that help regulate genes — was suspended for eight weeks without pay on June 14 for comments he made last December at a conference.

Provost indicated that he feels the COVID-19 risks to children are outweighed by the possible side effects of mRNA vaccines. These use messenger RNA in a laboratory to teach the cells how make proteins.

He said Wednesday that he was doing the job he was paid to. “I was concerned about something. I researched the literature, prepared a speech and delivered it to public. Being censored for doing what I’ve been trained to do — and hired to do — well, it’s hard to believe.” …

A university committee consisting of a lawyer and two experts concluded that his comments were biased and that he didn’t analyze his data rigorously or present his information objectively, Provost said….

According to local news reports, Provost is one of two professors suspended by Université Laval for anti-vaccine comments. Both suspensions were not discussed by the university, and the union claimed that they are unaware of the second.

This is what Prof. Douglas Farrow (McGill), has to say. Gail Heriot from InstaPundit thanks for the tip.