
Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax Would Hurt More Than Just the ‘Tippy Top’

Elizabeth Warren was a strong supporter of trustbusting, Medicare For All, Medicare for All, Green New Deal, and regulation for big banks when she ran for President in 2020. But her plan’s pièce de résistance was a proposed “2-cent” tax on “ultra-millionaires.” It would only apply to the “tippy top,” the smallest fraction of Americans with the highest wealth. The Warren idea of taxing wealth from the top isn’t new. The latest edition of President Joe Biden’s budget calls for a wealth-tax on households that have a net worth greater than $100million. 

“A family with a net worth of more than $50 million”—or the richest 75,000 households—would “pay a 2% (or 2 cents) tax on every dollar of their net worth above $50 million and a 6% (or 6 cents) tax for every dollar above $1 billion,” Warren . It is $3.75 trillion RetirementShe would love to see the money this tax will bring her over the next decade. This is crucial to help pay for other things on her big government wishlist, including cancelling student loans and providing universal pre-K for all. 

There are however other estimates like the Tax FoundationWarren’s tax, according to estimates, would only bring in $2.2 trillion. Her spending plans for the next decade would be more expensive than $30 Trillion. Based on estimatesBy The New York Times.

Warren’s attempt to make ambitious spending plans look easy to pay for are a common form of smoke and mirrors among big-spenders on the Left, even those not tied to $30 trillion agendas such as Biden. The rhetoric behind these plans and their promotion encourages the fantasy of expansive progressive agendas that can only be funded by taxes on the superrich. This is without cost to taxpayers or the wealthy. 

In order for progressives such as Warren to be able to increase the money they want to spend, it’d probably have to tax an even larger population: the “working poor.” 

The “idle rich”—the multimillionaires who progressives like to portray as sitting on huge piles of money they inherited or earned via unsavory means—just aren’t large enough to serve as an ActuallyUseful tax base. These people are some of the most clever around. They will move their money abroad or use tricky strategies to avoid being pried by the federal government. Many wealthy countries have reversed decisions made by wealth taxes due to capital fleecing and inability to enforce them. This includes the Netherlands, France, Sweden and Sweden.

Warren speaks about her paid for wish list and talks about taxes on the working-rich. It’s political suicide to tax this key group, but it doesn’t happen.


You can think of America’s rich as being divided into two groups. Celebrities, people who have sold large companies or received huge sums of money may all be considered “idle rich”. They might even own yachts. They might be Walton, Sackler or Hearst. 

“Working rich” are different. They may be able to interact with you. You mayBe them. This includes lawyers, doctors, and other white-collar professionals who are highly-paid in large and small cities. They’re not untouchably rich—not private jet rich, butler rich, or yacht rich. In many cases, they were born on second base—beneficiaries of solidly middle-class parents who helped them attend good secondary schools or pay for college—but were not silver spoon-fed. Some may have borrowed money to finance their higher education and eventually found work in high-grossing fields.

While there are no set guidelines regarding what level wealth or income is considered sufficient to warrant this designation, an Economic Policy Institute 2018 report indicates that an American family would need an annual income of 421 926 dollars to reach the top 1%. For the Top 5 Percent of Earners to qualify, you would need a family income of $250,000. These brackets could be considered working rich depending on their assets and debt.

Elizabeth Warren is an excellent example of the kind of working-rich she should pursue. As the ’40s were ending, Elizabeth Warren was born in Oklahoma City. She described her large family as being “hanging on to the edges by their fingernails.” Her father was a salesman and found himself in a deep hole of medical debt. Star debater, she was awarded scholarships. She received a Rutgers Law degree despite having to go back and forth between school and work due to pregnancy and marriage interruptions. 

Her net worth, which she shares with Bruce Mann, a Harvard law professor, is now more than $12million. It’s a combination of real estate investments, consulting money, book royalties and a Senate salary. She also has a number of retirement accounts. She is one of the few upwardly mobile and industrious individuals who could see herself as a savior.


In the past Democratic Party It was associated with the working-class voter. But in recent years, poor and working-class voters have been increasingly abandoning the party, while highly educated “working rich” types have co-opted it, sometimes even shifting platform and focus toward their pet issues—racial justice initiatives like “defunding” the police, which gained airtime in 2020 but did not poll well or Perform well on the electoral stageIt was especially so with poor minorities voters, whom the activists’ messaging was purportedly meant to target.

Data supports this conclusion. Analyst David Shor says that “college-educated whites swung relative to Democrats by quite a bit, while non-college educated whites swung relative against us.” Telled Politico In the wake of the 2020 election, Democrats gained the White House but lost the House several times while Republicans took control of the Senate. “​​The joke,” Shor said, “is that the GOP is really assembling the multiracial working-class coalition that the left has always dreamed of.”

“The core problem of the Democratic Party” is its insistence on being primarily a party of the weak, wrote writer New York Times Columnist David Brooks 2021. However, this self-image doesn’t reflect reality. 

His argument is that Democrats “dominate society’s cultural generators: The elite universities and the media elite, as well as the entertainment industry and big tech firms, which are thriving elite places such Manhattan, San Francisco, Los Angeles.” Joe Biden won approximately one-sixth, or roughly, of all the United States’ counties in 2020. 71%The nation’s G.D.P.

Brooks and Shor describe white college-educated voters who reside in large cities and control cultural institutions as “the working rich”. Democrats trying to harm this group’s bottom lines would make it difficult for them to win the next election.

This is how it works in practice. This is the case for homeowners earning six figures who pay high incomes as well as state taxes. These taxpayers often seek higher SALT deductions. This allows people to subtract state and local taxes from federal tax bills. It’s an enormous win for wealthy residents of states such as New York or California, who often end up paying a lot to government at all levels. During squabbles over Biden’s Build Back Better legislation, several congressional Democrats threatened to sink negotiations if the SALT deduction wasn’t raised—yes, raised

Also, Democrats didn’t respond to any pressure when they had the chance. Remarkable They are willing to take the expense of their agenda onto the working-rich. 

They would have to tax the working poor to get the goods they need. An estate tax is another type of wealth tax. It has been a topic of debate for decades and changed dramatically over the years. Currently, estates exceeding $11.2 million are subject to an estate tax. The tax is only applicable to a relatively small amount of estates. It has not been used in the past to apply to more than 1,900 estates each year, which brings in just under $20 billion for the federal government. 

The tax on estates of $3.5 million (or $7 million per couple) would be reduced and the tax would apply to more estates, bringing in an estimated $30 billion each year. The tax would apply to many more estates and bring in as much as $30 billion annually. 2001When the estate tax cost $675,000 for individuals and couples, more than 50,000 estates were subject to the tax. This tax cost almost $24 billion, or $38.5 billion today. Warren doesn’t want to admit it, but if federal revenue is going to grow significantly, it will need a much larger base than the few thousand family.


It’s not just unpopular politically for Democrats to slap the IRS on reliable-voter voters: it doesn’t make much sense practically, as taxpayers with incomes above $200,000 pay almost 60 percent of federal income taxes. This is despite only accounting for 4.5 percent annually of all returns. The Pew Research CenterFrom 2015. From 2015. Reports. The “two-thirds” of nearly 66,000,000 tax returns submitted by individuals in the lowest income group owed no tax.  

Although it’s not, True that the wealthiest 0.1 percent has tripled its share of American wealth since the late ’70s, going from holding about 7 percent of total American wealth then to about 22 percent now, the richest American households—whether just those making over $200,000 annually or the millionaires that comprise the 0.1 percent—already contribute such a significant amount to federal coffers that the idea that they shirk social responsibility, evading taxes and hoarding their wealth, is one that doesn’t hold much water. The wealthiest 1 percent ContributeThey account for approximately 40% of federal income taxes. Bear other burdens, too—most obviously, property taxes, but also corporate income taxes, which Josh Barro at his Substack Extremely SeriousThis is part of the indirect tax burden that shareholders feel.

The working wealthy are, in fact, exactly the type of people that we want to see continue to do what they are doing. These are steady economic contributors and unlikely to have to rely upon government welfare. We need to have a steady flow of lawyers and doctors, who respond to the incentives. There is a shortage of doctors in the United States. By 2033, there will be 139,000 less physicians. The number of law school applications will reach 139,000 by 2033. were downThe country’s legal shortage ended five years ago with a 5% increase. The promise of higher salaries in the future is a compelling incentive to sacrifice for positions that will require years of graduate study.

The stock market is the best investment for those working poor, as they keep our economy running. Based on net worth, “84% of Wall Street Portfolios’ Value” is held by the Top 10 Percent of American Households. According to The New York TimesThis was calculated by a Federal Reserve Board database. This would have devastating effects on the American economy that could last for many years.

In many ways, the working wealthy stimulate the economy. They don’t only have that status by borrowing from others.

Federal Reserve Data and Bureau of Labor Statistics Please showAbout 21 percent of American households receive an inheritance (or other wealth transfer); inheritances don’t usually amount to large sums. Most often, it is fallIt is estimated that it will be below $50,000 The inheritances of less than 2 percent are worth more than $1,000,000 according to Federal Reserve dataHowever, these inheritances can be very large for those who are already high-earning. For the 1 percent who are at the highest level of wealth, inheritances make up just a small fraction (just under 15%) and they don’t often arrive until later. After The peak years of earnings. While inheritances do increase wealth, they aren’t necessarily a source of income for the rich. However, knowing about an inheritance can affect the decision-making process of wealthy individuals. Inheritances don’t just impact the results of the average rich person. In popular imagination—think Kendall Roy of the hit show Succession—wealthy people merely burn through other peoples’ fortunes instead of earning their own. This is not true in the real world.


Last year in Congress, Sen. Ron Wyden (D–Ore.) A tax on unrealized capital gain, similar to Warren’s, was proposed by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) The New York Times. Warren and Wyden found willing co-conspirators in fellow Democrats Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Bernie Sanders (D–Vt.). Biden His newly revealed plans were describedTo tax unrealized capital gains for households exceeding $100 million to “prepay tax obligations these households will have when they realize their gains.” It is important to remember that this would tax money not yet made, and money that may never have been made.

These proposals represent a major shift in our tax policy. The federal government would be able to tax wealth at its current location, instead of when it’s bought or sold. The implications of this would be huge, starting—but not ending—with the impracticality of enforcement, which has again and again proven too burdensome for other countries’ bureaucrats to effectively manage, leading to embarrassing repeals of wealth taxes almost every time it’s been tried. 

Even though Democrats are in power Could They could pass and implement a wealth tax that is broader, but it’s unclear if they would be prepared to bear the costs of alienating their new rich base.