
Environmentalists Are Blocking the Post Office From Replacing Busted 30-Year-Old Mail Trucks

The United States Postal Service (USPS), which is looking to increase its truck fleet by 165,000, has not upgraded it in more than 30 years. According to the agency, it is necessary.Because of their inefficient gasoline engines and lack modern safety features, the agency will not be able to upgrade its trucks. However, Congress Democrats are trying to block the agency’s plans because they won’t include enough electric vehicles.The USPS would have to buy a completely “green” fleet if it were to be financially solvent. This plan will cost billions more than the one proposed.

According to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), USPS must be able to provide services as required. submitted The agency’s January 2021 environmental impact statement regarding Next Generation Delivery Vehicle acquisitions. It plans to buy Between 50,000 and 165,000Over the next 10 year, there will be 5,000 new trucks. This will mean that 10 percent of new USPS cars will not emit any emissions and the rest will still be powered by gas. 

Rapidly issued by the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA), and White House Council on Environmental Quality were both Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ComplaintsAccording to the petitioner, the USPS statement didn’t fully conform with NEPA. The agency needs to rely less upon gas-powered vehicles. 

It is available in its Let me know to Jennifer Beiro-Réveillé, senior director of environmental affairs and corporate sustainability at the USPS, the EPA complained that the impact statement did not “disclose essential information underlying the key analysis of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), underestimates greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, fails to consider more environmentally protective feasible alternatives, and inadequately considers impacts on communities with environmental justice concerns.” The White House stated that the purchase would be incompatible with President Joe Biden’s attempt to protect our environment. You can be sureFederal agencies will achieve zero emission vehicle acquisitions of 100 percent by 2035. (The USPS does not fall within the purview of Biden’s Zero-Emissions Executive Order.

USPS responded that it will continue with the proposal, and there was no legal basis for it to be denied. Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General of the United States Postal Service (USPS), stated that “our commitment to an electrified fleet remains ambitious due to the pressing vehicle- and safety requirements of our fleet as well our fragile financial situation.” Press release. “But we must keep going forward.”

Meanwhile, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D–Va.) Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) has been notified. Introduced Bill to prohibit USPS from purchasing vehicles unless at least 75 percent are electric and emissions-free. Last week, House Democrats wrote a letter Calling to inquire into whether the purchase has an environmental impact. The inspector general’s staff has received the letter and it is being closely reviewed, according to an official spokesperson. 

It would cost $6 billion to purchase the fleet over 10 years. The USPS would spend $2.3 billion to electrify the fleet. More Due to rising costs, it will take over 20 years. Manufacturing lithium-battery vehicle, along with the 2021 average price of kilowatt hours ($0.11/kWh versus gas ($2.71/gallon).

This purchase forms part of DeJoy’s 10-year plan Delivering AmericaPlan to increase the efficiency and financial viability of USPS. The agency’s. Long-term financial unsustainability, Right now, it needs to prioritize its fiscal performance over the environmental consequences. The USPS being forced to purchase fewer trucks that it requires or requiring another federal bailout. Continue readingThis could jeopardize the agency’s ability serve Americans.