
For a Less Pessimistic Take from a Russian Singer

Two weeks ago, Andrey Makarevich was interviewed by a Ukrainian television program. He is another founder father of Russian (originally Soviet-style) rock. I was surprised to learn that he spoke Russian. But, the interviewers began by asking him questions in Ukrainian, which he later changed to Russian. The interviewers asked him how opposition messages could be spread to Russia. He explained that he did not know but that it was vital that they try. They then switched to Russian.

Instead, he sang an older song, which is a great bookend for the lovely, yet deeply pessimistic Vertinsky tune sung yesterday by Boris Grebenshchikov. You might need some encouragement after that song. Here is Makarevich’s translation, again loosely sung and not metered. This, of course, saps their words of power.

Do not believe in empty promises or fairy tales.
The Savior will not save you from jail or ruin.
However, there is a little more to life in the world than death.
The world is full of light, but it’s a lot more than dark.

Your path will bring you many trials.
We should be afraid of novel prognoses.
Yet, God is more devilish than God.
The world is full of light, but it’s a lot more than dark.

The heavens will have their debate about sunset and sunrise.
Aged dogmas should be thrown out the window.
There is still no balance between black and white
This is what allows the world to move.

Yes, we have seen evil creep down through the centuries.
Again, the sky is covered with smoke.
However, there is still life after death.
The world is full of light, but it’s a lot more than dark.