
Forget the Great Reset. The Great Escape is Here.

The coronavirus pandemic is unlike any other in recent history. This is our turning point.” 

Klaus Schwab (head of the World Economic Forum) said these words. COVID-19: A Great Reset The 2020 book he coauthored with Thierry Maleret. 

They write that “many people are asking when it will all go back to normal” in the book’s intro. “The quick answer is never.”

Schwab, the Swiss president of WEF, set the tone at the January WEF conference in Davos with his warm introduction to the first speaker, Xi Jinping. He is also the chairman of Chinese Communist Party. 

“Major economies should see the world as one community… and should coordinate the objectives, intensity, and pace of fiscal and monetary policies,” said Xi in his address to the WEF.  

Schwab envisions a post-COVID world where there is a globalized economy that works in coordination with experts. Schwab stated that “We must redefine the social contract” at the 2020 WEF book launch. The Great Reset. 

Many people speculate that these grand proclamations and Schwab’s unusual personal style are part of a global conspiracy by politicians and financial elites to depopulate the world so they can establish one-world governments or that COVID was designed to do that. 

This is a lie. It is difficult to believe that global conspiracy theories can be so far reaching and complex. Don’t waste your time looking for hidden agendas. Instead, just look out at them openly.  

Schwab said at the 2020 meeting that “I believe we are moving from short to long-term and shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism.” book event.

What Xi, the WEF, and people like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass.) What Xi, the WEF and people like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) have in common? They support so-called stakeholder capitalism. It is a term that calls for companies to answer only to certain special interests. They would like to see corporate boards reorganized to have representatives representing labor, social, and environmental groups. Warren proposed a bill to mandate 40%Workers can elect large numbers of corporate board members. The state is simply in China Controls and ownsMajority ownership in large companies.

Global coordination and governance are essential for managing global problems, according to the WEF, as well as future pandemics. It’s ironic that Schwab’s conspiracy critics don’t believe central planners can manage the world. 

Schwab’s theory contains a crucial flaw. It puts too much faith on governments’ ability to remake society so it serves all citizens. His goal is to  Rethinking capitalism that escapes “the tyranny of GDP growth” so that companies create  “goods and services for the common good” instead of “maximizing profits.” 

But the phrase “common good” points to his fundamental misunderstanding of capitalism, which is nothing new: central planners were using this idea to maximize their own power at the expense of individual freedom back in the 1940s, when the Nobel Prize–winning economist F.A. Hayek wrote The Road to SerfdomIt would be sold over 2 million copies.

Hayek wrote, “The happiness and welfare of millions can’t be measured using a single scale that is less or more.”[and]There are many options that you can choose from.

Each of the millions of human beings on this planet has unique needs and goals that can’t be reduced to one unified unit, regardless of whether it is GDP, or any other holistic measure the WEF may want to use, like Hayek and Ludwig von Mises. Investors and entrepreneurs can see profit as a sign that they’re meeting the diverse needs of customers. 

Schwab and Thierry write that “Acute crises can help to boost the power of state” is one of the major lessons from the last five centuries of America and Europe. The Great Reset.This has been true since the beginning, and it will continue to be so with the COVID-19 epidemic.”

Their argument is correct that war is good for state health, according to Randolph Bourne, who once said it. In terms of cost and chaos, the government’s response has been very similar to military conflict. World Wars I, II, and the Great Depression created an effective modern welfare and warfare state. This has irreversibly altered America as well as the rest of the world.  

Schwab says that the permanent expansion of power is inevitable, but it would be a disaster for the entire world. 

I am more optimistic this time because of the technology that allows everyday citizens to exit. Instead of the Great Reset, in which sclerotic 20th-century institutions accumulate even more power, I think we’re entering… The Great Escape

It is because technology is advancing faster than the state can control or regulate it. It will become impossible for governments to continue building physical walls and metaphorical ones. The technology can be used to enable decentralization. In this way, money flows freely and information cannot be controlled. The bottom is where the ideas come from.

To expect governments and other international organizations to guide large companies toward a common good assumes that the same institutions who bungled COVID-19 can effectively address the most difficult problems on the planet. 

After witnessing the catastrophic failure of governments during a global crisis, I believe that more people will look for an alternative approach.

Everywhere you look, evidence points to the Great Escape: America. Population shiftThe rise in remote working has led to cities and states that are less restrictive and expensive. exodusFrom government-run schools, you can find the Increasing use Using cryptocurrency Popularity The expanding use of encryption-based, private communications platforms. ReachIndependent voices are increasingly important in today’s decentralized media. 

Hayek described central planning as a “fatal notion,” and wrote that “t”The curious job of economics, however, is to show men just how much they actually know about the things they think they can create.

And Schwab even touches on this idea, writing that “complexity creates limits to our knowledge and understanding of things; it might thus be that today’s increasing complexity literally overwhelms the capabilities of politicians in particular—and decision-makers in general—to make well informed decisions.” 

This is what he calls it quantum politicsThis dilemma is not solved, but policymakers will have to find a way. 

The people in charge of our institutions are trying the impossible. They plan the future for billions. Perhaps this is why there is such low trust.

Hayek’s essay in the Constitution of Liberty.It is important to recognize that civilization’s advancement and survival depend upon the ability for accidental events to occur.Politicians should spend more time ensuring that there is enough freedom for accidental progress and experimentation to take place.

The fear of a Great Escape—of losing control—is understandable because there are SystemicThere are many risks that can endanger human civilization. These include future natural and man-made pandemics as well as runaway inflation. 

In his WEF Address this January, Xi stated that small boats can’t survive a storm while a large ship can.   

If we are all in one large storm-struck ship, then we will all be swept along with the current when things get too bad. 

Concentrated power is a danger in itself: An intervention that negatively affects all economies at once could bring down entire systems. The good news is that Power and the humble test-and-error of markets, and decentralized governance bring about progress with less chance of total ruin.

Schwab and Xi are missing the point that when individual rights are secured first, all other planning tends to follow.

Zach Weissmueller wrote and produced the film. Animation by Tomasz Jaye. Additional graphics by Nodehaus

Photos: CHINE NOUVELLE/SIPA/Newscom; CHINE NOUVELLE/SIPA/Newscom; Li Tao / Xinhua News Agency/Newscom; Ken Cedeno / Pool via CNP / SplashNews; Ahmad Abdo/dpa/picture-alliance/Newscom;  Ed Lefkowicz / VWPics/Newscom;  Albin Lohr-Jones/Sipa USA/Newscom; Li Xiang / Xinhua News Agency/Newscom; Kyodo/Newscom; CHINE NOUVELLE/SIPA/Newscom;  Li Tao / Xinhua News Agency/Newscom;  Lan Hongguang / Xinhua News Agency/Newscom

Stock footage Timo VolzFrom Pexels; Alexander BobrovFrom Pexels 

Music by “Thunder”. stragetCreative Commons Attribution. ThatjeffcarterCreative Commons Attribution license