Yesterday was the last day. The New York TimesAccording to reports, all states that had mandated the wearing of face masks during this winter’s COVID-19 spike have decided to remove those requirements, except Hawaii. These policies were designed to reduce COVID-19 transmission after the highly contagious Omicron variant of COVID-19 became the dominant one in the United States. This led to an increase in new cases. The precipitous drop in daily new cases from mid-January has been the reason governors and agencies of public health used to justify lifting mask regulations. However, there are no evidence mask mandates played a significant role in this decline.
Nationally, the following is the New York TimesThe seven-day mean of new daily cases in the database rose dramatically from mid-December until January 17, and then dropped just as quickly since. This is consistent with other countries’ experience after the introduction of omicron. Nearly every state saw the same pattern. There is not much difference in the overall pattern between mask mandated states and those without.
Ashish Jha (dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health) notesThe graph of California which mandated masks for indoor public spaces starting on December 15th, is strikingly similar to Florida’s graph, which did not have any mask mandates. He also stated that both states had almost identical rates of infection.
The second observation is subject to caveat. Because testing rates impact the number of cases which are recorded, CaliforniaAt the height of its omicron surge, a greater percentage of its population had been tested than FloridaFlorida did not have a lower positivity rate, which indicates that Florida was more likely to be infected than California. The similarities in case trends are striking, even though there may be differences in the testing rates.
Jha said that it appears at first glance that their COVID strategies were not important. “Florida experienced 33% more deaths per head than California,” he said, noting that the official infected rate was almost the same as California’s.
Florida may have a lower number of cases than California, which could explain some COVID-19 deaths per person. Alternate factors include the age demographics. The Florida median population age is 42.5, which compares to California’s 37. Jha thinks vaccination rates are another important factor: While “only 59% of eligible Florida seniors have gotten boosted,” he notes, the rate for California is 70 percent.
California and Texas are very similar in terms of case trends. However, California’s seven-day average peak was a few days before Texas. Although the New York graph looks similar to California’s, it has a higher peak.
Faye Flam, a science journalist writes that “Masks were the most visible component of America’s response to the pandemic,” but they are also the least consequential. Bloomberg Opinion essay. The 35 other states without mask mandates did not fare as well during the omicron waves. My home state of Rhode Island has had a mask mandate from mid-December. However, our January surge was much higher than that of any other state. There’s little evidence that mask mandates are the primary reason the pandemic waves eventually fall—though much of the outrage over lifting mandates is based on that assumption. It is not clear why waves rise or fall, according to many experts.
Research has shown that respirators such as N95 masks may reduce transmission. Flam points out that universal masking is not a good choice because cloth masks are more common and may be difficult to fit properly.
One of the most convincing real-world arguments in support of general masking is from a randomized trial that was conducted in Bangladesh. It found that surgical masks significantly reduced symptoms of infection by eleven percent. Although it isn’t a huge amount of evidence, it is a very modest one. This effect was seen with adult surgical masks in settings that allowed for consistent, proper usage. In the same study, cloth masks had no statistically significant effect.
In other words, the Bangladesh study does not show the effectiveness of cloth masks adults pull from their pockets to enter business, or the masks children under 2 years old are required to wear at school and in daycare centers. Those children aren’t necessarily wearing masks, as you can see from the photos.
The question of whether masking works in practice is not the only one. It is also important to consider the impact of mandated masks on behaviour. Masking does not always work, but mandates can.
This article is about Annals of Epidemiology According to an American study, mask mandates were linked with lower transmission rates in the United States from June 2020 through September 2020. The researchers found that the probability of becoming an “rapid riser” county was 43% higher in counties where there were statewide mandates for reopening. The study didn’t consider other safeguards or policies that might have been different between jurisdictions without and with mask mandates. The study did not examine actual mask-wearing and legal requirements.
A preprint published in June last year found that wearing a mask was linked to a decrease in the transmission of viruses based on data collected from different countries and states between May 2020 and September 2020. Researchers found no relationship between mask wearing and virus transmission. MandatesMask Make use. According to the authors, there was no evidence of transmission being reduced by mandating that mask-wearing be worn. The authors concluded that mask-wearing can be strongly affected by other factors than mandates.
In August 2021, a systematic review 21 observational research studies showed that every one of them had reported SARS-CoV-2 “benefits” of mask mandates. These included a reduction in the incidence, hospitalizations, mortality, or any combination of these. Only a few studies examined compliance to the mask-wearing policies and controlled for any possible impact of physical distancing or hand hygiene.
As with the discussion about lockdowns and mask mandates, it will go on. It is difficult to determine the effect of any policy because there are many variables that must be taken into account. However, it is clear that those who take it as a given that COVID-19 has been contained by mask mandates are making assumptions unsupported by evidence.