
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Issues More Forceful Condemnation Of Crackdown On Freedom Convoy Than Some Republicans

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad condemned Canada’s crackdown on the Canadian trucker ‘Freedom Convoy’ questioning how it squares with freedom of speech or choice.

In a social media post that left viewers wondering if they’ve entered the fictional Marvel multiverse, Ahmadinejad railed against the “violent” actions being taken to break up the peaceful convoy by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“The Violent crackdown on [the Freedom Convoy] has nothing to do with freedom of speech and human rights,” he tweeted. “How coercion could be related to liberty [and] freedom of choice?”

In his tweet, he included #TruckersForFreedom.

RELATED: Ilhan Omar Blames Reporters for Harassing Freedom Convoy Truckers

Mahmoud Ahmedinejad Joins with the Freedom Convoy

Look – I am by no meansIt is so easy to be duped that you fail to see Mahmoud Ahmedinejad is trying to stir up trouble by making leaders in the West foolish, or inciting backlash.

After all, this is the man who saw his security forces crush protests against his 2009 election.

Ahmadinejad shouldn’t even have a platform on Twitter considering his views on the destruction of Israel and being a prominent Holocaust denier.

It is remarkable, however, that Trudeau’s comments appear stronger than the majority of American legislators.

Truckers involved in the ‘Freedom Convoy’ protest against mandates and government overreach have had their bank accounts frozen. Protest leaders were arrested and are being charged with criminal offenses.

Their vehicles were taken away, they were fined, and their licenses were revoked. They have used children as pawns. Authorities have even threatened to seize truckers’ pets.

The former leader of Iran’s comments led one reader to tweet with surprise: “Ahmadinejad and Ilhan Omar are in our corner.”

That comment is in reference to the fact that far-left Representative Omar (D-MN) criticized reporters who are targeting and harassing donors to the Canadian trucker ‘Freedom Convoy.’

Omar suggested that reporters might put the brakes on harassment by citing a cafe owner forced to close her store after being threatened with lawsuits.

“I fail to see why any journalist felt the need to report on a shop owner making such a[n] insignificant donation rather than to get them harassed,” Omar tweeted.

“It’s unconscionable and journalists need to do better.”

RELATED: Former Obama DHS Analyst Demands That Police Cut Tires and Arrest Canadian Truckers

Republicans Must Increase Their Voices

It is difficult to understand how Mahmoud Ahmadinejad managed to speak out against a majority Republican in condemning Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Law Professor Ryan Alford slammed Trudeau in a recent op-ed for invoking the Emergencies Act, “giving him broad emergency powers to quash a nonviolent protest of truckers opposing vaccine mandates.”

Alford notes that such actions were designed to combat terrorism, not peaceful protests, and is “clearly unconstitutional.”

This seems like something aligned with conservative causes – adherence to the Constitution, protection of free speech, protesting against government overreach – that Republican lawmakers could really latch on to.

They aren’t even in the same place. If this isn’t a hill to die on, what is?

In the beginning stages of protest, Republicans were a bit more vocal. On February 4th, former President Donald Trump slammed “far-left lunatic” Justin Trudeau.

“The Freedom Convoy is peacefully protesting the harsh policies of far-left lunatic Justin Trudeau who has destroyed Canada with insane Covid mandates,” he said in a statement.

Trump, unfortunately, isn’t in power. These are the people Who are you?In power, they must be more effective.

Maine State Representative Sherman Hutchins had the courage to call Trudeau out for his actions saying they are leading to “the impending death of the Canadian democracy.”

Hutchins called the Prime Minister “Dictator Trudeau” and accused him of “demanding blind obedience” and using “excessive force and arrest to silence peaceful protesters.”

As well, the Republican legislators and politicians have made crickets over the week.

What? It was safe to support the ‘Freedom Convoy’ when it first started but now we give Trudeau a little wink and a nod, giving him a pass to end it by any means necessary?

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been one of the few voices with the moral conviction to speak out against Trudeau’s actions.

“This is a peaceful, political protest. Nobody has provided any proof to support the claim. It’s not a drug trafficking or human trafficking operation. It’s not Al Qaeda,” Carlson told his audience.

“These are Canadian citizens who drive trucks for a living, but they’re being treated like a terror group.”

A solider backbone that the Republican Party currently has. Joel Lightbound, a lawmaker for Trudeau’s Liberal Party.

Lightbound resigned after accusing Trudeau of dividing the Canadian people and slammed the Prime Minister for “demonizing” protesters as ‘swastika wavers.’

“I can’t help but notice with regret that both the tone and the policies of my government have changed drastically since the last election campaign. It went from a more positive approach to one that stigmatizes and divides people,” Lightbound said.

“It’s becoming harder and harder to know when public health stops and where politics begins,” he added. “It’s time to stop dividing Canadians and pitting one part of the population against another.”

Liberal Party of Canada members found opposition to Trudeau. Ilhan Omar is a voice for the opposition. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad found an outlet to critique Canada.

Is there a Republican voice?

“Always stand on principle … even if you stand alone,” John Adams, one of this nation’s founding fathers once said.

It’s time to stand up. It’s time to fight for your principle beliefs.

And you won’t be alone when that happens.