
The Real Zombie Apocalypse Is Here

Free The People by Dr. Derek Ellerman

People were confused when the zombie outbreak finally arrived. After the epidemic swept across the globe, many were unable to identify it. Even though it was outside our door, it took a while to accept it.

It didn’t look like the popular depictions brought to man’s imagination by George Romero, or Max Brooks. Several aspects of these predictions are alarmingly accurate, there is no doubt. People were not expecting fiery scenes or flesh-eating gorefests. Or massive hordes that would sweep through whole cities, leaving only the buildings.

It wasn’t like that. It was, however, a virus.

Future historians, like we, the living, will bicker about the causes until the Earth is hurtled into the sun—just as they did while it was happening.

Many blame capitalism, greed and the health care system.

Some people blame the media.

Some blamed backward cultural practices that allowed—allegedly—unsanitary conditions in which the virus was able to be born and spread.

Others blamed the governments for their obsessiveness with weapons and assumed that the virus wasn’t an accident.

Many blamed politicians for not being sufficiently prepared. But they were wrong—many, if not most politicians, were fully prepared. They took immediate action. But they are politicians; they didn’t act to end the pandemic, as the poor world population naively believed they would.

They did the same thing politicians always do, they used zombie apocalypse as a means to achieve their ends.

Most people were guilty of blaming each other.

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What isn’t, and won’t be in dispute, are the peculiar effects of the virus.

Like the popular depictions, it didn’t affect animals, or only very rarely. It was almost entirely human. Infected individuals reacted to the virus’ attack on the brain in remarkably uniform ways.

This virus, which was never before observed in nature, affected persons based upon class.

The virus had no psychological or physical effects on the upper classes. In the lower classes—the hoi polloi—the virus completely deactivated the left hemisphere of the brain, and inflamed the medulla oblongata.

Contrary to popular belief, the virus was not fatal. The virus caused only 1% deaths in the affected population.

If we think back to popular depictions of what a zombie apocalypse would look like, we look of course to Romero’s works, which were clever works of social commentary. Often, it was the uninfected who behaved as though they had the left hemispheres of their brains—that responsible for logic and complex thoughts—shut down, just as much as the undead cadavers that were wreaking havoc.

Romero was interested in exploring the social commentary about the irrational behaviour of uninfected people, which often attacked each other, despite the fact that they were surrounded by thousands of flesh-eating ghouls.

It happened again, but with a twist. They were unable to even use the most basic logic. Basic math became difficult even for highly intelligent individuals. Pavlovian reactions were common in many to the carefully designed signals of politicians and upper class.

Although the effect on the Medulla Oblongata was less severe than the loss of basic logic functions for the mass population, it caused many problems.

However, it isn’t clear if inflammation caused uncontrollable anger and rage or was a secondary effect of damage to the left side hemisphere.

Many times, the infected showed rage reactions that were completely unsuitable for their particular circumstances. The patients left behind their primary and secondary family members, as well as friends. Children disowned parents. People who are normally calm, composed, and restrained would often wish to see others suffer. Surprisingly, some expressed the wish to see others die or even wished for their own death, often without being provoked. Many would become incoherent and illiterate, which rendered them incapable of participating in civil society.

They were plagued by insinuations and their life was controlled.

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Such a situation lent itself to exploitation from the uninfected upper classes—the movers of society. Social controls unprecedented in their scope were implemented. The power of the biggest corporations was consolidated and the living standards for the majority plummeted.

A portion of the lower class was, as should be expected. The official information was immediately suspect. We believe anywhere from 5-5% of the underclass are still immune.

The virus was not fatal for those who were able to escape it. However, they had to deal with zombies as well as the problems of the new society created by an immune upper class.

We are still under the control of the zombie apocalypse. Future historians will be required to note whether or not any cures were ever found. This is an historical account that will be preserved for posterity.

This article was Syndicated by Free The People.