
How Afghanistan Became the First ‘Feminist’ War –

Because of the war on terror, argues Rafia Zakaria, American feminism has been recast from a “movement that existed in opposition to the state, as a critique of its institutions and mores…[to]Serves one[s]Any means necessary to protect the interests of the state. She says that nothing exemplifies such a tragic turn more than the Oscar-winning film Zero Dark ThirtyThis movie stars Jessica Chastain as the lead female character. She is an exalted torturer, who is capable of breaking down the bodies and suspect terrorists more quickly than her male colleagues.

For White FeminismZakaria argues that Western Feminism has focused primarily on equality between white and black women, sometimes at the cost of brown and black people. Many feminist organizations pushed for the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, and argued for programs to help Afghan women.

The provocative book critiques the feminists Betty Friedan, Simone de Beauvoir and Eve Ensler. This forces an evaluation of how to best empower all women worldwide who struggle against sexism which is closely linked with state power.

Zakaria, who was born in Pakistan but now resides in the United States is the author The Upstairs WifeAnd writes at Rafia (Unedited).Substack. Nick Gillespie interviewed her for a 2017 interview about her book. VeilFor Here’s whyThat’s it. You can listen to it here.